turbo fire

I was looking into this program and just wanted some feedback on your experiances with it.


  • WTFitness
    WTFitness Posts: 77 Member
    I'm on my third week and I LOVE it!
    Before this, I completed 2 rounds of P90X. Although I loved P90X and the results it gave me, I have already reached the conclusion that I prefer Turbo Fire! Chalean is incredible! She has so much energy, and she is constantly encouraging you. The workouts are much shorter than the P90X ones, but they work you! In just 15 minutes of HIIT, I am drenched in sweat. More so than even 50 minutes of P90X Kenpo. Best of all, TF workouts are so much fun and I look forward to doing them every day!
  • tea76
    tea76 Posts: 35
    ive not entered the turbo fire world, but i do love the turbo jam and ab jam she first brought out and love it
  • Jessicapages
    I am on my 2nd round of TF and LOVING it.I have done Slim and 6,P90X,Brazil Butt lift,and BY FAR TF is my fav!!It is so much fun,it has great music,before you know it you are done and dripping sweat.So much fun!!