c25k - commencing 15 march


I have decided I am going to start c25k today.

My goal is to run the race for life on Sun 10 July 2011 which means that I have more than enough time to get ready and no excuses!!

Does anyone else fancy buddying up and helping each other? Has anybody got any tips for me? I don't do any exercise at the moment apart from a random swim here and there. I am so lazy!!


  • _LA_
    _LA_ Posts: 111
    What is c25K?

    I'm starting training-in-earnest for a 5K in May...doing a 'couch potato to 5K' training program I found online. How are you preparing?
  • _LA_
    _LA_ Posts: 111
    ha!! Okay, just read another post and realized that c25k MEANS couch to 5K. Blame it on my first time in the forums, lol. Yep, doing this. Would love a buddy!
  • justleeanne
    justleeanne Posts: 251 Member
    I've been eating healthier the last few weeks to try and lose weight (which I'm hoping this will help me do too!) and I've not really done anything else to prepare.

    I'm going to download a podcast or something to listen to whilst I do it otherwise there is no way I will be able to keep track of when to start/stop walking/running, I'm going to be too busy trying not to vomit and keep breathing so I don't keel over!! hehe I think my body is going to get a great shock!!

    Have you done any running before or will this be your first time? I'm actually quite excited about doing this in a weird kind of way.
  • _LA_
    _LA_ Posts: 111
    I have never done running. I hate it! lol. But I can't get myself off my butt w/o a goal and a deadline, and my kids' dojo set up a team to do a 5K for Susan G Komen Foundation, so I signed up. My original plan was to lose a littl eweight and condition a little before starting the couch-to-5-k, but that didn't happen. So I'm just picking up where I am now.
  • shazzabir
    shazzabir Posts: 42 Member
    I am on week 2, but only getting to go out once a week so you will both probably overtake me soon!
    I was quite worried about starting, but suprised myself how well I am coping.

    Good luck to you both.
  • justleeanne
    justleeanne Posts: 251 Member
    I did week 1 workout 1 last night! I am really surprised I made it through. The back of my calfs are absolutely killing me today!!! Shazzabir I hope I will be coping well when I get to week 2! That's a shame you only get to go out once a week but as least you are sticking to it! :)
  • chrismisterx
    I have just been looking at this and would love to start, but I think I would have to buy some new shoes first, dont think my boots would be good to run in hehe.
  • justleeanne
    justleeanne Posts: 251 Member
    I used some new trainers I had but I'd never worn them before, they were really hard on the soles and it was soooooo uncomfy and my sock came down in one shoe and now I've got a little battle wound on the back of my ankle, ouchie! I am definitely going to invest in some good running shoes!! :)
  • cougs12
    cougs12 Posts: 92
    I have never done running. I hate it! lol. But I can't get myself off my butt w/o a goal and a deadline, and my kids' dojo set up a team to do a 5K for Susan G Komen Foundation, so I signed up. My original plan was to lose a littl eweight and condition a little before starting the couch-to-5-k, but that didn't happen. So I'm just picking up where I am now.

    I'm doing a 5k for the Susan G Komen Foundation(RACE FOR THE CURE) on Mothers Day.
  • shazzabir
    shazzabir Posts: 42 Member
    I did week 1 workout 1 last night! I am really surprised I made it through. The back of my calfs are absolutely killing me today!!! Shazzabir I hope I will be coping well when I get to week 2! That's a shame you only get to go out once a week but as least you are sticking to it! :)

    Well done for going out and giving it a go!! Yes its suprising how bad your calfs can ache. Must admit the soreness seems to be going now, as I didnt suffer at all on my last run. :-)
  • thcri
    thcri Posts: 459 Member
    I am in week 6. If you can do it with a buddy it will be much easier. Doing it alone makes it too easy to quit or slow down. I find that mostly in riding my bike if I am with someone I keep my pace up much better.

    Don't over do it and try to run to fast. You will get to the 5K in 30 minutes by the end or you will be able to gauge yourself towards the end.
  • BifDiehl
    BifDiehl Posts: 474
    I'll join you all. I was in week 2 a few weeks ago and had to stop (have since been diagnosed with exercise induced asthma and got an inhaler, so I'm ready to go at it again).

    I kind of have a buddy - I have a lab (the one in the photo) who doesn't get enough exercise and gets bored, so I'm having her do it with me. We can get in shape together!

    I'll start with Week 1 Day1 tonight. Good luck everybody!
  • justleeanne
    justleeanne Posts: 251 Member
    Really glad to see a few people doing this! :) I've been out on my 2nd run tonight and it was good, still hard! I am also on a mission to get some running shoes now. Exercise induced asthma sounds horrible, I'm glad I don't have it otherwise it'd just be another excuse for me to get out of it! lol
  • _LA_
    _LA_ Posts: 111
    I bought some Real Running Shoes last week after payday (maybe Wed?) and gave myself a couple of days to get used to them - the first day they hurt like heck (I have low arches and the arch support was uncomfortable!), the second day not so bad..so I tried running Friday, got through about 2/3 of the program and something odd feeling was going on in a shin so I laid off...I suspect it was jus t'getting used to the shoes'. Planned to go out Sunday but ended up delivering baskets for Purim unti too late, then yesterday I had three sick kids and it was snowy and slushy again for some reason (wtH mother nature?? check the calendar - it's SPring!!) so I went to Curves instead. Going to do my 'regularly' planned week of Wed/Fri/Sun now w/o trying to make up last Sunday - wish me luck (and comfortable weather - SO not a run-in-the-rain kind of girl!)
  • justleeanne
    justleeanne Posts: 251 Member
    Aw good luck LA! You can do it!!

    Week 1 is over for me now, it's been hard especially since the last run was mostly uphill but coming back down on the second half was SO easy, I think I'm definitely going to stick to flat ground for round 1 of week 2, I am in this I can't do it head space now but I am gonna give it my best try!!

    How good is it when you finish a run and you're like WOW I DID IT!!!!!!