3lb gain???? Seriously



  • mrsparker77
    PLEASE DO NOT GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I gained almost 10 pounds when I started working out. Just watch your calories drink plenty of water, and keep working out. Also take your measurements, I started losing inches before pounds. But whatever you do please do not give up, it will be worth it in the end.
  • RockaholicMama
    RockaholicMama Posts: 786 Member
    Chin up! Don't give up! If I see a gain I use that as inspiration to just work harder. It gives me that extra shove I need in the right direction. Don't worry. I could also be water retention as well. Drink water and keep at it! You can do it!
  • KELM0710
    KELM0710 Posts: 147 Member
    The smoothie idea sounds really good. My older son would drink it in the mornings with me and thats good for him too.
  • Lexie28
    Lexie28 Posts: 219
    I just took a look at your food diary, (First thing I do when some one asks a question regarding weight gain)

    Nutrition = Losing weight.

    There were days you did not log. When you did, you were eating fried chicken, Subway- chicken, bacon ranch sandwiches etc.

    You can exercise all you want- but if you do not properly fuel your body with good nutrition, you will not see a great loss on the scale.

    Oh- And stay away from soda.

    I checked out your diet too. You really need to take a good look at what you're fueling your body with. Best advice...cut out all the processed food and eat more fruit and veg. You won't lose weight by consuming too much processed foods. You may want to stay away from fast foods (i.e. Subway) for a while.

    Good luck :)
  • KELM0710
    KELM0710 Posts: 147 Member
    The weekends are the worst so this coming weekend will be the my challenge. I need to think of things to do for lunch and dinners on the weekends so we dont go out. Actually sunday I will have to do really good during the day because we are going out for hubs bday that evening for dinner.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    The weekends are the worst so this coming weekend will be the my challenge. I need to think of things to do for lunch and dinners on the weekends so we dont go out. Actually sunday I will have to do really good during the day because we are going out for hubs bday that evening for dinner.

    Not sure if the Crystal Light has aspartame in it as it's been awhile since I've had it. But 4C makes a line of drink mixes that are all sweetened with Splenda, so maybe that's an option for you. I LOVE their Pomegranate and their Green Tea! And it's cheaper than Crystal Light, too!

    I'm still fairly new to the whole 'planning a week of food thing" myself. But just for an idea that's worked for me: Bake or roast chicken. That's your main protein and it's usually inexpensive ( I live alone, so I do 6 breasts at one time and then they go in the fridge). Day 1 I might have a salad and some brown rice with my chicken breast. Day 2 I might dice it up and put it in a low-calorie tortilla with some cheese and nuke it--instant chicken burrito (and a salad)! Day 3 I might dice it up and make chicken salad and have a sandwich. Then start over again.

    Buying whole chickens is cheaper, so give your kids and hubby the dark meat (or more of it).

    Here's a super easy Rosemary Chicken and Potatoes recipe that I use frequently: http://www.mccormick.com/Recipes/Main-Dish/Rosemary-Baked-Chicken-with-Potatoes.aspx