

For a long time I didn't eat properly. I would skip breakfast as it made me feel sick, and generally skip lunch as well. I also didn't drink nearly enough water. I suffered from "cluster headaches" and occasional migraines. However I am rectifying all these habits and have been doing really well!

My question is this;

On Saturday, I did my Shred, then I was out and about and didn't drink very much water or eat a great deal, other than breakfast and a really late lunch (breakfast was probably around 10am and, er, lunch not till about 4pm).
Today, I did my Shred, had my breakfast as usual followed by a pint of water (between 8-8.30am), but then didn't drink anything until gone 11am as I had a GPs appointment.

Both of these occasions have left me with a really banging headache. My head is thumping like a drum!

Is it linked?? And surely effects of low blood sugar or dehydration or whatever would take longer than a couple of hours to appear?


  • jdier
    jdier Posts: 110 Member
    I have always had a problem with headaches and occasional blackouts. I had my thyroid tested and the diagnosis was dehydration. Sounds like you're not getting near enough fluids in your body. Whenever I have a headache I know I'm not drinking enough. Generally some water will cure that over the period of an hour or so. I would definitely drink more water! Your body needs that. It also aids in weight loss! The key is to always be hydrated so that your headaches don't start b/c of dehydration.
  • NoExcuseTina
    NoExcuseTina Posts: 506 Member
    you might also pay attention to the change in the weather...I get headaches right at the beginning of a front coming thru (not all fronts, just the ones that cause storms)
  • emilyl619
    You should try to warm up well before a workout. There have been studies that link sudden exercise (like jogging/ sprinting without proper warm-up) to a headache later in the day. I'm not sure if this is the reason you get headaches, but it may help! Also, drink a ton of water. Weigh yourself right before you workout and then after. You should drink enough water so that you are still the same weight because that is only water loss between that time.
  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    Thanks guys. I am on my 4th pint of water since 11am and headache still here so I am going to have my lunch and see if that helps.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    one of the most prominent symptoms of dehydration is headaches. By the time you have a headache you've probably been very dehydrated for hours, it can take hours to releive that issue as well. If you properly hydrate, and give it an hour or two and you still have a headache, it might be something else. Maybe you also have imbalanced electrolytes, try a 6 oz glass of milk (1% low fat is best, it has the best mix of everything you need without being to high in calories or added sugars).
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    You can lose up to 3 liters of water in an hour of sweating but can only replace 1 liter an hour (absorption rate not how fast you can drink it), so you could easily be starting out dehydrated because of not fully replacing water loss from yesterdays workout and then making it worse with exercise. You'll get some water and electrolytes from both eating and drinking, so do both and give it time for your body to rehydrate.
  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    Thanks both.

    On average, my mug holds 14 fl oz of water and I am drinking 8+ of those per day - half hot/half cold as I can't bear cold water! - with 1 or 2 cups of tea or coffee.

    Is that enough water?

    Also I generally work out in the morning, though I do cycle to/from work but it's only 2 miles so not far. Only exception to that is every Tues when I go bounce round on a horse for an hour/hour and a half. So, not sure how that contributes to possibly being dehydrated after a workout...?

    Boss, re headache being advanced sign of dehydration, would I wake up with a headache or would it come on gradually? Both Sat and today I woke up feeling fine and the headache has take 2 or so hours to ping into place :(

    Thanks again.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Thanks both.

    On average, my mug holds 14 fl oz of water and I am drinking 8+ of those per day - half hot/half cold as I can't bear cold water! - with 1 or 2 cups of tea or coffee.

    Is that enough water?

    Also I generally work out in the morning, though I do cycle to/from work but it's only 2 miles so not far. Only exception to that is every Tues when I go bounce round on a horse for an hour/hour and a half. So, not sure how that contributes to possibly being dehydrated after a workout...?

    Boss, re headache being advanced sign of dehydration, would I wake up with a headache or would it come on gradually? Both Sat and today I woke up feeling fine and the headache has take 2 or so hours to ping into place :(

    Thanks again.

    never really thought about it. I would have imagined that you would wake up with one, but I've not given it much thought, I suppose there could be some mechanism that forces the body to not have it until you're up, dunno. I'll have to google that and see what I see.