I stopped for 10 days and now I'm depressed...



  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    The fact that you stopped is not the important thing here - it's the fact that you restarted. I have taken months off at a time and started and restarted more times than I can count. Have I gained? Yep. I did. But amazingly the damage wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

    So here's the deal... remember that you've committed to change your life. Because this is your new life - you can't really cheat or fall off the wagon or quit... it's life, and it goes on. So you made some bad choices for a while - in your new life you take that knowledge and you move on. In my new life I will exercise more and eat better - but there will always have to be room in my new life for indulgences. I recently went to Hawaii for a once in a lifetime vacation... I ate what I wanted, drank way more than I ever have in my life and I had a great time! Did I gain a couple pounds - sure did... and ya know what? It was worth every pound. I wouldn't have missed one lava flow, one piece of pineapple, one moment of that vacation... I enjoyed it all. And I came home and I got on my treadmill and resolved that the next time I have my butt on a beach drinking Mai Tai's - I'll be wearing a bikini - not a skirted bathing suit!
  • NoExcuseTina
    NoExcuseTina Posts: 506 Member
    you cannot change the past...only make the future better
  • sheri1120
    sheri1120 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you all so much for all your kind words and support. I really needed to hear each and every comment that was made. I am on my second day back in, and I will take the advice not to weigh in this week. THANKS!!! :bigsmile:
  • KathyJoCherevka
    New beginning, need to keep up with three new grandsons born within the last 10 months. Lost eight lbs in two weeks. Have along way to go. Any tips.