Funny Gym Stories

hannyt Posts: 33
Okay, so I have SO many stories about just random people at the gym that are funny! They're not mean and I'm not picking on them, but you know who I'm talking about! I'm talking about the mouth breathers on the elliptical, the people who say "OH YEAH! GET SOME!" with every rep and we can't forget the people who take 6 magazines and leave you with the 2005 November edition of Men's Fitness...and you're a woman.

So here's my funny story of the week.
I work out at the local Y and there's a guy who's about 50 some who comes in every Tuesday and Thursday and hops on this old school cycling bike at the end of the row. He works this bike for about an hour or more every time he's in and not only does he grunt, fist pump and say "OH YEAHHHH," and jam out to his music, but he leaves a giant puddle of sweat by the bike and on the seat! He goes super hard and doesn't stop and is totally in the zone...Well, the other day, he was doing his normal routine and everyone was watching him because...really?? Anyway, he's working it and tworking it on the bike and all of a sudden there's this loud BANG BANG BUMP THUD CLASH and everyone looks to see what's up only to see that he's broken the band between the pedals and the giant wheel! EVERYONE was watching because this was WAY too good...he looked around and proceeded to ride the bike as if nothing happened, even though the wheel wasn't spinning at all and there was clearly no resistance!! This lasted about 10 minutes, then he got up, used his towel on his forehead (not the bike) and walked to the other side of the room where there are more updated bikes and proceeded to do his workout on one..for like 30 minutes. It was truly bizarre and I'm almost positive he didn't tell the front desk that he broke the bike!

AND now it's your turn to share some stories! :) okay... GO!


  • thunt1990
    thunt1990 Posts: 157 Member
    Haha ok my funny one was actually a few months ago. I see alot of strange things at the gym but this one stuck out most in my mind.

    I was at the gym, done with weightlifting, so i went upstairs and got on the elliptical. In the middle of my workout i look down and see these 2 skinny boys who have to be like 13 trying to deadlift. They have the bar on the ground with 2 25's on each side. The first boy starts trying to pick it up and cant. The other boy decides hes stronger and trys and he couldnt do it either. So they took a 25 off of each side and try again. Neither can do it. So next they both get beghind the bar and on a count of 3 lift it together. It was the funniest thing ive ever seen. I actually laughed out loud and the guy next to me started laughing too. Later on those 2 boys come upstairs and only one treadmill was open so they took turns running on it at like 10mph. I havent seen them since but it was pretty funny.
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    Haha ok my funny one was actually a few months ago. I see alot of strange things at the gym but this one stuck out most in my mind.

    I was at the gym, done with weightlifting, so i went upstairs and got on the elliptical. In the middle of my workout i look down and see these 2 skinny boys who have to be like 13 trying to deadlift. They have the bar on the ground with 2 25's on each side. The first boy starts trying to pick it up and cant. The other boy decides hes stronger and trys and he couldnt do it either. So they took a 25 off of each side and try again. Neither can do it. So next they both get beghind the bar and on a count of 3 lift it together. It was the funniest thing ive ever seen. I actually laughed out loud and the guy next to me started laughing too. Later on those 2 boys come upstairs and only one treadmill was open so they took turns running on it at like 10mph. I havent seen them since but it was pretty funny.

    Hmmmm sounds like my sons. I think you might have been watching them. lol
  • thunt1990
    thunt1990 Posts: 157 Member
    Hahaha. It was pretty funny. Just some kids messing around having fun.

    We also have this guy who like screams while hes doing chest presses. Its like a GRUNT and then AHHHHHHH. He is so annoying. It sounds like hes having a baby lol