Annual Health Screening last year vs this year

Here are my results from last year 3/31/10 compared to today 3/15/11
Total Chol 222 now 161
HDL 45 now 39
LDL 150 now 106
Ratio 5.0 now 4.1
Triglycerides 139 now 82
Glucose 63 now 82
Blood Pressure 111/69 now 100/75
Waist Circ. 37" now 31"
Weight 171 now 141
BMI 28 now 23.5

Alot of my numbers are much better. My main concern is my HDL! Last year I was not execrising at all. Now I execrise 7 days a week! I swim laps, jog and ride my bike. 5 days a week I get in two of the three activities! Last year I was eating out and consuming fast food on a regular basis. Eating out and fast food aren't part of my life anymore. Last year I didn't take a multi Vitamin or any other supplements. Now I take a multi vitamin, Green Tea, Glucosamine, and 2400mg of Fish Oil daily. So what gives on my HDL?? Open to suggestions.


  • nph1960
    nph1960 Posts: 57 Member
    Do you eat a lot of dairy and other sources of saturated fats?
  • kimiel
    kimiel Posts: 108
    Try getting some healthy fats into your diet, like almonds, walnuts, olive oil, etc. Congratulations on the good work!
  • cmw9696
    cmw9696 Posts: 123
    I agree with Kimiel...almonds, walnuts, olive oil. Try adding oatmeal and other whole grain items like 100% whole wheat bread. Salmon, flaxseed, avocado...
  • motoxmom1
    motoxmom1 Posts: 85
    Kimiel & Mrsward: That's one reason why I'm so confused at the numbers. I've got the almonds/walnuts, olive oil, oatmeal, whole grains, and avacados covered. nph1960: I drink a glass of lowfat chocolate milk everyday post workout, don't eat yougurt though (hate it). I would consider my cheese intake to be low to moderate and always lowfat.
  • nph1960
    nph1960 Posts: 57 Member
    Sounds like you can blame Mom and Dad for this one. What does your doctor say?