
So I am not really "new" to MFP, but I never posted, thus here it is. Soooo, I'm laci, and i'm 19 years old. I still live at home, but I am moving out in about 4 months to Florida...900+ miles away from my family. When I graduated high school back in 2009, I weighed about 158, then of course like almost everyone, I gained 10 pounds which obviously put me at 168. Since I have joined MFP I lost 12 which for me is great, it took me a while, but I did it. But sadly, for the month of February, I decided to take the month off from my diet (why?! i have absolutely no idea, it was dumb...I know). Now I am having problems sticking to my strict diet. I find my self always craving chips and chocolate rather than my normal salad cravings. Since then I have been terrified of the scale.

My boyfriend of 14 months and my parents dont support me going to the gym almost everyday, or me not giving myself some "wiggle" room. My parents, though much needed, won't diet with me. They still buy the junk food they like and they know I constantly crave. They make unhealthy dinners that I wont eat, then they get mad at me when I don't eat dinner with them "as a family". And even though I am 19 and basically completely independent, they know that I am a major penny pincher because I save almost every bit of money I make so I wont struggle when I do move to Florida, they refuse to buy me my "healthy" food I like.

My total goal when I joined MFP was to lose 40 pounds, and now I only have until April 22nd to get as close to my goal as possible. Any help/suggestions to help me get back on track?


  • jlopez87
    jlopez87 Posts: 22
    No matter how much a person weighs, I think that going to the gym is wonderful! Exercise is not just for losing weight, but its a way to live a healthy life-style! It's great for your heart, good for your mood. The benefits are practically endless.

    Good job on your weight-loss so far! And as far as wiggle room, I do kind of have to agree with your family! Don't be so hard on yourself! A "diet" really isn't good... you need to develop a new way of life. A way to eat so that you can do so forever. If you give yourself some wiggle time once in a while maybe you'll be less tempted in the future to go off your diet for a month like in February.

    Maybe try something different....like...If you allow yourself to have a treat (go out to eat with friends and get something not-so-healthy)...try to do an extra half hour of cardio the next day. Sometimes your body NEEDS some different foods to 'keep it guessing'.

    Good luck with your weight loss!
  • oscarvalles
    Hi Laci,

    I can relate to a lot of what you said. What worked for me was a cleansing program. It did miracles in 30 days.

    My treatment was prescribed by a nutritionist. I had to stay away from breads, dairy, sugars and pork. In addition I was limited to berries, papaya, apples, kiwi and plums for my fruit intake. This was usually part of my breakfast. Also, I had drink a cup of tea (I would drink green and chamomile) in the morning and consume a clove of fresh garlic nightly (chopped in lime really takes away the odor). All this plus the candida cleansing pills. The only exercise recommended was walking. Nothing strenuous. Its a lot tougher than it sounds, but if you can do it, you won't regret it.

    Anyway, this got my metabolism on track, cleared up my skin and my clothes even began to fit me loose. I was supposed to follow up but didn't have the $$ consult her. But fortunately I am at a point where I think I know where to go. Plus, I met this personal trainer whose been helping me out free of charge (who incidentally suggested I use this site).

    If you want more info, send me a message and I'll share my complete experience with you.
