Falling off track

fink21061 Posts: 53 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
I started with having a problem logging my food and exercise on just Saturday and Sunday. THen it was also Friday night. THis past weekend it went as far as Monday as well. I may log in something here or there and then I forget to come back and do the rest. But my problem with this past weekend is that not only did I forget to log I did not eat properly or exercise. I get busy with the kids and with the weather finally giving us a break I get distracted doing other things. What do you all do to keep consistent with everyday logging of everything. Its getting harder and harder for me for some reason. Please help.


    GURLEY_GIRL3 Posts: 347 Member
  • I hear ya, I was doing the LOSE IT app, and lost like 20 pounds and then slowly stopped just like you. I really like this one, becuase you can interact with people. You almost log on just so people can keep you motivated. Good luck, if you need a friend, I am down to help motivate :)
  • VanCK
    VanCK Posts: 11
    Weekends are my HUGE downfall!!!! Usually if I get up in the morning and plan my day and log it that morning....then I have a better idea of where I am if I fall off track for one meal...... That said, it's been forever since I stuck with it. This weekend...you and me are going to get up 5 minutes earlier and log our day while drinking our coffee:wink:
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    i always have my laptop on even if im not using it, leave it in the kitchen so always on hand and im lucky as i only work 2 days a week and while kids r at school have free time, normally come back after the school run go on for half an hour do a few jobs inbetween go for a run/walk then maybe log in on evening when kids r in bed. Also am always on f/book on evenings. I find this helps distract me from even thinking of food. :smile:
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    I log immediately before, or as I am eating. I'm sure it annoys people around me, but it's no worse than texting at the table. I use the Android app on my phone. If I eat, I log...no excuses.
  • lisy28
    lisy28 Posts: 156 Member
    I fall off the wagon too on the weekends.... they are sort of cheat days! I always feel a little guilty when i log all the bad stuff but i do it in the hopes that it will remind me for next time!!

    The definition of crazy after all is doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results :o)

    I stay logging the food though... you just have to do it it only takes 2 mins and really no one can be busy all the time Hell do it from your phone while taking a pee!!! hehe :o)

    Hope this helps! Good luck to you :o)
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    For me, I like seeing what im eating and comparing it to what I SHOULD be. I also like how it shows me the nutritional value and its almost a game for me to see what im doing and where I can go with it!
  • Just like the other lady I did the Lose It app & did well but fell off, I thing MFP is much better. Log on for the motivation from other, even if it's seeing someone else post about losing a pound or two. We are all her to support you & one another. We can do it...we must stay motivated. (trust me I know it's easier said than done) :smile:
  • spennato
    spennato Posts: 360 Member
    I had a rough time last week, anf someone told me you can't undo all your work in a couple of days. In essence just keep going even if you have a few consecutive rough days. Keep up the good work!!!:smile:
  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    I know what you mean about the weekends, its easier for me to log everything during the week since Im in front of a computer at work all day. Sometimes I don't log a meal the same day and I will go in the next day and log it, I get busy also, especially after work with my son, homework,gym etc. So don't beat your self up, also if you know what your going to eat the next day, then go ahead and log it. Take it day by day, if your a stay at home mom, get the 30 day shred dvd, its about 20 minutes and its a good work out.
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
    I log in just as much to say hi to my MFP friends, as I do to log in to track my calories. Do you have a good network of fun people to laugh with, support and vent with? I think that is a HUGE part of my success so far.
  • I found that I had the same problem this last week. I logged most of my food but not all. Most of what I ate was junk food. I have my diary closed so I have decided I am going to open it for everyone to see so I have more accountablity. I also struggle eating right on the days I don't go to work. I am going to make sure my entire week is planned out including the days I don't go to work. I have prepared fresh veggies and snacks for the week so I will grab the good stuff while I am at home all day or running with the kids. Good luck with your week. I hope you can find what will work for you.:smile:
  • Hsanders3961
    Hsanders3961 Posts: 245 Member
    I log immediately before, or as I am eating. I'm sure it annoys people around me, but it's no worse than texting at the table. I use the Android app on my phone. If I eat, I log...no excuses.

    I do the same. I must log my foods. It helps me, because on those days when I weigh, and wonder "Why the heck did I not lose weight!?" I can go back and see exactly why and realize what I need to change. I want this soooo bad. I will do whatever I need to in order to get there. The android and iphone apps are both great for logging when you are on the go.
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
    I log immediately before, or as I am eating. I'm sure it annoys people around me, but it's no worse than texting at the table. I use the Android app on my phone. If I eat, I log...no excuses.

    I do the same. I must log my foods. It helps me, because on those days when I weigh, and wonder "Why the heck did I not lose weight!?" I can go back and see exactly why and realize what I need to change. I want this soooo bad. I will do whatever I need to in order to get there. The android and iphone apps are both great for logging when you are on the go.

    Same here. Don't no one have to like it, but it IS going to go down that way! lol
  • biellas
    biellas Posts: 39
    I log immediately before, or as I am eating. I'm sure it annoys people around me, but it's no worse than texting at the table. I use the Android app on my phone. If I eat, I log...no excuses.

    I do the same. I must log my foods. It helps me, because on those days when I weigh, and wonder "Why the heck did I not lose weight!?" I can go back and see exactly why and realize what I need to change. I want this soooo bad. I will do whatever I need to in order to get there. The android and iphone apps are both great for logging when you are on the go.

    I agree. Logging is sometimes very tedious, especially when it's a food that is not in the system but it helps in the long run. Even when I go over, which for me is often, it's important to be accountable. Like right now, I just had a 4 oz piece of banana chocolate birthday cake and it wasn't reduced fat. Ugh! Do I regret, yes! But only cause I now have to over-estimate the calorie count. Keep at it and make it a habit.
  • My3Rayz
    My3Rayz Posts: 373
    I try to plan my days out in advance. If not that, the least i'll do is log before i sit down to eat. i don't want to eat that plate of food to find out it has more sodium and calories than I thought.
    Like the other person said, it's a game. What can I eat that will keep me under all my goals and still satisfy me.
    You have to decide if it's important enough to you. If it is, you'll find a way to do it!
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