Weight not changing

wewon Posts: 838 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
Newbie here, so sorry if this has been asked before.

What causes the weight loss to stall out?

The reason that I joined this site is for that very reason. I figure that this will be a good way to keep a log of both my exercise and my caloric intake.

I've been eating better and running since the start of the year, loss 10 lbs by valentines day (2/14) one month later (3/14) and I'm still at the same weight.

I've read a thread or two and can see that I'm not the only one that experiences this.

Does anyone have any ideas how this happens? It doesn't seem possible (mathematically), none the less here it is.


  • Im in the same boat. I have been at it for 40 days and have only lost 3lbs. Id like to know the answer to this question too, please.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Newbie here, so sorry if this has been asked before.

    What causes the weight loss to stall out?

    The reason that I joined this site is for that very reason. I figure that this will be a good way to keep a log of both my exercise and my caloric intake.

    I've been eating better and running since the start of the year, loss 10 lbs by valentines day (2/14) one month later (3/14) and I'm still at the same weight.

    I've read a thread or two and can see that I'm not the only one that experiences this.

    Does anyone have any ideas how this happens? It doesn't seem possible (mathematically), none the less here it is.

    Eating too much, eating too little. Not measuring your food, overestimating your caloric burn. If you don't eat enough your metabolism can slow down (burn less calories) so you may think you are in a deficit when you are not as your system just slowed down from being underfed. The body can be a strange thing, and sometimes the math does not translate. If I tried to lose 2lbs/week the math may work, but I don't have than much to lose and it will not come off that way.
  • Fat2FitChick
    Fat2FitChick Posts: 451 Member
    I can't see your food diary to know for sure but make sure you are eating enough calories. If you are working out especially try eating back some if not all of your exercise calories. I know it sounds weird but try it and see. It will kind of shock your body into responding once again. I went through this and this is what I did and 3 days later I had dropped 2.5 lbs.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    It would depend greatly on how many cals you take in, the source of those cals and if you change your routine at all. Look at your weekly cal allowance as opposed to the daily, vary them up and down, but here are a few tips I recommend for stalled out loss;
    1) eat a big breakfast, take a look at my diary to get an idea its public, try for 30g of protein as this gets the metabolic rate fired up off the crack of the bat and eat it within 30 mins of waking
    2) cycle cals from one day to the next, I like to get more in on days I work out, so long as you hit the weekly goal you should be good.
    3) eat clean, the added fiber and nutrition will help the body be at its best
    4) reward yourself every few weeks with a splurge day, one day will not hurt your weight loss goals.
    5) if you are working out hard make sure you are getting 1g of protein for every pound of body weight per day.
    6) eat a small carb/protein meal 1 - 1.5 hrs preworkout and a protein meal post workout within 30 mins to aid in recovery and muscle building.
    7) rotate the workouts, do a different workout every few weeks alternate them so the body can not adapt.
  • MrsSommer
    MrsSommer Posts: 36
    Try mixing up some things. I hit a plateau a few weeks ago and was told to try changing my work outs and fiddling with my calories....I upped my calorie count for the day pre-exercise from 1200 to 1400 and it worked wonders. also dont forget to try and eat back the calories you burn during a workout...if you dont you can go into starvation mode which may be part of the problem. Hope this helps! :o)
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