support please!

xoxemandm Posts: 1
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
Hey! My name is Mary and I started using this site in January this year. It started out really well but then I had a lot of trouble sticking to my calorie limit. For exercise, I was only doing the WiiFit and JustDance2 at my house. Finally, at the end of January, I gave up.

In February, my family invested in a gym membership at the YMCA. Since then, I have been going to the gym everyday faithfully. 3 days a week, I do an hour-long Zumba class, and the other days, I use the elliptical for an hour. Therefore, I burn about 600 calories each day.

Last week, I started using MFP again because I figured there wasn't really a point of going to the gym if i was just going to eat unhealthy anyways. However, it is really difficult.

Even though I make sure to go to the gym everyday, I still feel like I am eating unhealthy foods. My family buys a variety of junk food as well as fruits and vegetables, but the junk food is always more appealing. I am staying under my calorie limit, but I am not quite sure if eating some foods such as oreos or cake are going to have an effect on my diet, even if they are within my calorie limit. I need help! Thanks :)


  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    Eating unhealthy food occassionaly is not going to hurt you, but if your finding that your are choosing Oreo's over an Apple, or are eating more servings of Junk Food than Good Quality food, then there may be a problem.

    A suggestion, may be to have a "junk" cabinet designated to just that.. maybe even put a big piece of paper on it that labels it as so..... that way you are concious of what your doing and it's out of eye site.
  • E_i_am
    E_i_am Posts: 10 Member
    You looked at your fat count, if that is too high it won't be helping. Nor will you be getting the fiber and others that you need. I guess the science is simple eat less calories than you burn and you will lose weight but i can't see that eating effectively only junk will help!!
  • Think about how long you have to be on the elliptical to burn the 160 calories in 3 Oreos. And can you stick with just 3? I know I can' the glass of milk I have to have with them! Not worth it to me. Sounds like you are working hard at the exercise why blow it over some junk food. You would see better and quicker results if you can get away from the junk and adopt a healthy, balanced diet.
  • swheeler0602
    swheeler0602 Posts: 110 Member
    I've been battling weight loss for a while and I have ran into some of the same things. Those tempting sweets and fatty foods. I'm starting a new support group. Below is the information. If you're interested, just message me. Open to others too!

    Hey all! I'm looking to start a new support group to make me accountable and for others to feel accountable.

    I'm looking to have about 10 members in the group. Each week we would discuss the 3 following things: Weigh in, goal for that week, and reflection on last weeks goal. Each week a different member would be in charge of the discussion topic, whether it be about their loss or stuggles or things on diet information, etc.

    I'm looking for people in their 20s, just so we can deal with similar issues and struggles.

    Once we get the group more together, we can make more objectives/duties to go along. If you are interested in joining, send me a message with your name, age, and one goal you have for yourself (weight loss or other).

    Hope to hear from some of you!
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