My daughter can't swim because I'm fat!



  • sleight119
    sleight119 Posts: 125
    The Girl you just called fat, has been starving herself and has lost over 30lbs. The Boy you just called stupid, has a learning disability and studies over 4hrs a night. The Girl you just called ugly, spends hours putting makeup on hoping people will like her.The Boy you just tripped, is abused enough at home. There's a lot more to people than you think. this was sent to me by a freind of mine Just remember it dont matter what people think about you because A HUNDERD YEARS FROM NOW IT WILL NOT MATTER HOW MUCH MONEY YOU HAD THE SORT OF HOUSE YOU LIVED IN THE KIND OF CAR YOU DROVE OR THE WAY YOU LOOKED BUT THE WORLD MAY BE BETTER BECAUSE YOU WERE INPORTANT TO A CHILD so dont let the way you see your self stop the way your kids see you because all they see in the best mom in the world
  • SierraBurns87
    SierraBurns87 Posts: 8 Member
    I understand being self conscious but I come from the kids' side. My mom hardly ever took me or my sister swimming because she was overweight. We didn't understand why because she was beautiful to us. Just remember that your kids look at you different than strangers and who's opinion do you respect more? Besides... the few amount of people that actually judge others at the pool have their own body/self esteem issues! Get in that water! You might just forget how you feel in the swimsuit when you feel how good that water is! :)
  • Candiceg13
    Candiceg13 Posts: 218
    OP - I have not gone in a swimming pool for 10yrs for the same reasons as u, but this past summer I realized how crappy it was that I couldn't take my kids swimming... I mean I did and they wore floaty wings and the then 3yo wore a life vest and her older brother (then 9) had to swim with her..... this year I refuse to do that! I am making decsions based on my fam, not my insecurities! I am losing weight, but will still wear shorts when I go in! The top isn't a big deal......

    All 4 of my kids will swim with their mom this summer!
  • Rosie958r
    Rosie958r Posts: 160 Member
    It's great that you want to teach your daughter how to swim!
    I think it is essential for any child to learn how to swim.
    May save their life one day.
    maybe paying for lessons is an option?
    Good luck and i'm sure you already look great in swimmers