The eating habits of a 3rd grader...

Ok, I am 42 years old and I do not like fruit or most veggies. I remember my mom trying to make me eat them. I have, what I think is a texture issue. I can deal with veggies cooked with stuff (I Know raw is healthier) but the raw ones taste like grass to me. I have tried. I love tomato sauce but can't stand tomatoes. I don't like foods that have a skin (except Chicken but I take that off) or that has seeds. I know this is an affliction mostly with children who grow out of it- not sure what my deal is. :) I was thinking of buying Jessica Seinfeld's book for parents who HIDE veggies in foods. There's a pasta out now that is called veggie pasta but not sure how much veggies are in there. I also only like water, yes, I don't even drink wine, or beer, or most soda's. I like orange juice at times and grape juice but I know that's a lot of sugar and not overly healthy- plus juices do not fill you up like a real fruit would.

It's been a challenge to keep weight off because the most healthiest things I do not care for.
People tell me to TRY but I am old enough to have tried and tried again, and I'd rather eat nothing.
Does anyone else experience this or am I just crazy? LOL


  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    I was like that for most of my life. I'd eat meat and potatoes, breads, rice, etc and go light on the veggies. Fruit not only didn't appeal to me, it usually gave me a stomach ache. I eat totally differently now than I did just 3 years ago.

    It wasn't really a long-range "change my tastebuds" plan, but when I became determined to lose weight I really changed what foods were available for me to eat. If I knew it didn't belong in my belly, it didn't belong in my house. Period. And I started buying fruits and veggies. At first there was a lot of waste. But after awhile I was too hungry - and too annoyed by the wasted $$$ - to turn my nose up at the produce. And then, oddly enough... it started tasting GOOD to me.

    If you look through my food diary now you'll see lots of fruits and veggies on most days. Pretty much everything in my diet is there for a good nutritional reason. It's not just about calories. My food choices are about making sure my body gets as much good stuff for the calories as possible.