Abou to start 30 Day Shred!

hey guys!
Im about to start getting my *kitten* kicked into a way nicer shape by the 30ds dvd! Im sure there will be plenty of *****ing and moaning so im wondering if theres anyone on here who is doing the shred/has done the shred/is about to start it that would like to buddy up on here and compare experiences?!
Hard things seem easier when youve got someone else to talk about it with haha
A bit about me.. 22 yr old girl living in QLD Australia (no one seems to know about the dvd here!). Currently weigh 60.1kgs, am 174cm in height. Mainly looking to tone up! Pity our summer is over now haha.
Just request me, or i'll request you if you let me know youre keen.
Im also probably going to start blogging about it once it comes.
Thanks! :)


  • EvelynForsyth
    EvelynForsyth Posts: 272 Member
    Hey! I just did level 1, day 2 and we have a thread running about doing it!

    Add me if you like, there are a few people on my profile who are doing it with me :)
  • pinupprosaic
    I did one session a couple of days ago and it KICKED MY BUTT. No jokes. It's tough, but I reckon it'll be worth it.
    I'm from Aus too! Melbourne, to be exact, and I've only heard about it on here. I'll send you a friend request. :)
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    ive been doing it since nov 2010 and also blog about it in blogger...
    have fun!!
  • mrswizrd
    mrswizrd Posts: 2
    i did it the month of january and Jillian totally kicked my butt. It was great. I could tell a difference in my stamina from day 1 to day 5 or 6. I havent done any workouts on a regular basis since about the 1st of Feb but I think I will dust Jillian off and get back to work.
  • cmccallum05
    cmccallum05 Posts: 6 Member
    I was considering starting it. My cousin did it for the month and dropped 25 pounds!

    I guess getting your butt kicked every now and again is fun :)
  • ace175
    ace175 Posts: 518 Member
    Just finished level 1 day 2 a few hours ago!! :) We're already friends though!!
  • Trozendaal
    Have to get back to it myself. I seem to have taken almost a week off, and boy can I tell it. Feel like crap, and so is my food intake. Love doing it!
  • mindy71183
    I just ordered it, it should be here either tomorrow or Thursday! I am excited to start! Add me as a friend and maybe we can suffer through it together.
  • HeartRN77
    HeartRN77 Posts: 39 Member
    I just started today too. sounds fun to have a bunch of people to modivate each other!! Does anyone else plan on doing their workouts in the early morning before work?
  • mindy71183
    Wade, I am going attempt to do my workouts before work, but that means getting up at 5. Hopefully I will be able to.
  • HeartRN77
    HeartRN77 Posts: 39 Member
    I am planning on getting up before work @ 5.45 I used to do it I need to start again, I want to just get it over with and not worry about it all day