Is your family on board?

SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
edited September 25 in Food and Nutrition
If you're making your family eat better too, are they ok with it?

My husband doesn't have too much of a problem with it (he hates it when I cook fish though). He has to stay in shape for his job (military) and has said that it's a lot harder to do now that he's in his mid-30s. He used to be able to eat/drink whatever he wanted and not gain any weight.

The kid, however, is very much NOT on board with it. She's 5'1", 112 lbs. She thinks because she doesn't have a weight problem, she should be able to eat whatever she wants. She seriously acts like we're doing this to screw with her.


  • jules0516
    jules0516 Posts: 158
    I make 2 different dinners each dinner and one for the rest of my family :(
  • 77LouLou
    77LouLou Posts: 75
    I cook alot of healthy meals..but I keep everything here they like..I fix something different for me if I'm not willing to eat what Tgey want. I try to keep chicken and fish on hand for me.
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    I don't think mine even know...

    We still eat the same meals as we always did, I just eat a smaller portion if necessary.

    my biggest problem was the other stuff I ate, not that we ate bad meals, iykwim. A burger on the way home from work, a bag of chips on a friday watching tv...
  • Altiv
    Altiv Posts: 174 Member
    My mom is the only one that supports me, although she needs to gain or maintain her current weight she always ask me what I need to eat, she even weights my food for me and together we buy healthy food for the family. My dad on the other hand is totally the opposite, he doesn't know what I need to eat, in what portions and cooks whatever he likes to eat (usually lasagna) and if I leave food, he gets mad.
  • bellarox13
    bellarox13 Posts: 95 Member
    I do separate meals for hubby and kids (3 kids under four). I try and do healthy stuff for them but I know they won't eat half the stuff I do.
  • Tamstar1985
    Tamstar1985 Posts: 334 Member
    my fiance has been really great. i cook healthy food, and he loves to eat it! fortunately i worked as a cook for three years back home, so i try to vary stuff every day, and i love experimenting. we've also completely cut out alcohol and are only going to go out to restaurants once a month. if he wants something a little more indulgent, i will pan-fry some dumplings for him(his mum gave us hundreds of homemade meat-filled dumplings).

    he's also been doing yoga with me, and is really interested in P90 :)

  • amandabrady
    amandabrady Posts: 203 Member
    Eh, mine isn't really but I'm an adult and if I don't like what is being made I just get something else to eat for myself. To be honest, if you are preparing a meal for your family and your daughter isn't a fan of what's on the menu, then I'd suggest to her that she cook herself something else that she likes (I'm taking a shot in the dark here and assuming she's a teenager?). If you've sat down and explained to her why this is important to you and to your family and she still isn't ok with it, then it's time for tough love. It's sad that our society has become so addicted to everything that's bad for you. I am glad you're taking steps to provide healthy options for the whole family!
  • jltodd99
    jltodd99 Posts: 89
    I made one dinner, if they don't like it or want it then they can fix something else for themselves. Of course, my kids are 9, 14 and 26 - at least the ones that are still at home!
  • lpummell73
    lpummell73 Posts: 24 Member
    I wish my 12yoa daughter felt the same way, she is a yo yo dieter and she hates her body. Sadly all through middle school this is what I went through., so i see the pattern. I'm trying to get her on board with calorie counting and having her realize that eating heathy is the way to loose!!

    As for my sons, they are on board. I try to cook healthy, but its not always easy so i just do a lean cuisine in place of what they have.

    My favorite thing since I have been loosing the weight is when my 9yoa said Hey mom you don't have 2 chins was dieing!!
  • My mom supports me. She actually started me on the calorie-counting journey. She also cooks our meals, so by default the kids in the house are eating better. My father, on the other hand, feels that we are depriving ourselves of living our lives. But he respects our decisions to count calories! My dad works in the evenings, so he doesn't have to eat the healthy things we have for dinner.
  • joanipowell
    joanipowell Posts: 30 Member
    I make sure I have more veggies to add to my plate and leave off what I shouldn't eat.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    I'm not a great cook and don't tend to experiment much. My husband is an OTR truck driver, so he's only home one day a week if we're lucky, so it's me and two boys at home (turning 15 and 12 next week). I tend to make healthy stuff anyway, and they love chicken and none of us like fish. They don't always eat all the veggies, but I try to make them yummy and they do alright. I still have stuff in the house that they like if I have to work late and won't be home for supper (chicken strips and hamburgers they know how to cook) but I don't eat that stuff anyway, so it's easy for me to pass on. They do like all the fruit I keep in the house, and they don't complain about not having all the chips and desserts because they know they don't need it either! I do spoil them (and myself) sometimes with a dish of ice cream or special treat, but once it's gone, we don't go back and buy more right away!

    This summer I plan on some bike rides up to the local ice cream place (3 miles each way) for a little soft serve in a cup or a slushie!!!! Figure I'll work it off by the time I'm home anyway!!!!
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    We still eat the same meals as we always did, I just eat a smaller portion if necessary

    Same here. My husband and I always ate healthy. He is thin but unfortunately I was eating the same portions as him which was way too big for me, hence the extra 30 pounds I was carrying around. I am fortunate that this hasn't been a huge lifestyle change for me but eating less can be rough. I also realize I'm lucky I don't have kids complaining about our meal choices!
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    To be honest, if you are preparing a meal for your family and your daughter isn't a fan of what's on the menu, then I'd suggest to her that she cook herself something else that she likes (I'm taking a shot in the dark here and assuming she's a teenager?).

    You are correct. She's 17. I tell myself that's what I should do, but the few times I've done that, she'll eat something like ramen noodles or pop-tarts. If there's nothing like that in the house for her to eat, she just won't eat. I know she's almost an adult and I need to start letting her make her choices, but I really want her to be healthy too.
  • She's a teenager right? Tell her if she doesn't like what you make, she can eat a pb&j. She'll get sick of those pretty quick. Were you a skinny teenager? It might help her to see pictures so she can understand that you didn't just "get this way". Overindulgence and unhealthy eating are what make us fat.
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