Pre-made/ 'tv dinners' that are filling



  • supercatie18
    supercatie18 Posts: 82 Member
    You should try "Lightlife" Meals.. They have 3 servings of vegetables and are much larger than the Lean cuisines. They're in the frozen section. They come in a few different types, one of them in Zesty Mexican and it has real peppers and beans in it. Also the sauce packet comes on the side so you have the option of reducing calories by not using the sauce. I know what people say about eating frozen meals and it not being quite as healthy, but I also need something quick and easy that won't cost me calories!
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member

    You can't say that as a blanket statement, no one *needs* to eat 6 meals a day. I'm doing fine eating 3 meals a day and rarely snack. Bottom line: do whatever works for you, your body, and your schedule.

    6 meals is better for you then three. Most people that eat three eat alot more in there meals and get hungery before there next meal. If you have 6 meals your metabolism works harder and burns more cals than if you just ate 3.

    I agree... also there have been studies that show that the more often you eat the more SURE your body will become that you will feed relatively soon, so it wont feel like it needs to hold onto the food you just fed it... when you wait longer inbetween your meals your body will be more cautions... not saying that you wont lose weight... just not as much as fast.

    to the OP no "tv dinners" are good sure they are better than a candy bar, but not by much.. you are much better off cooking something from scratch!
  • sandram82
    sandram82 Posts: 615 Member
    Personally I find all of them to be too high in sodium to make it worth eating!!! Try a sandwich, soup, salad, or make a pita for lunch, low cals and lower sodium!
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    While the majority of the time I make all my meals ahead of time and rarely eat store-bought frozen meals, I keep a Kashi meal, usually the Red curry chicken on Lean cusine the pumpkin ravioli. None I find very filling but always pair with an apple or more veggies for those days I'm running late or life just got in the way.

    But if I'm not out and about after eating one of those I would just keep wandering back into the kitchen after an hour or so.

    Try to make your own frozen meals. Make a recipe, divide it in freezable containers for grab n go. But even I have my days where I have the choice of drive thru or a frozen meal.
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
    I really think it’s ineffective to get preachy about what someone “should” and “shouldn’t” be eating. The OP has asked for advice on finding a a more filling pre-made meal. It’s a representation of where she is in this process. Sharing knowledge about the big nutritional and health downsides of eating these foods is one thing, but wagging fingers and doling out the shoulds and shouldn’ts is not productive.

    What I would say to the OP, is that the fact that you are not getting full on these meals is an opportunity to investigate the answer to a different question. What can eat that will be easy to prepare, make me feel full, and not take me over my daily calories? The answer to that question is a TON more food than you can get in a microwavable tray.

    Agreed. Sometimes I will have a lean cuisine...and on the days I don't there is always a different level of sateity that I feel. So it's an individual process....

    To the OP- try the Kashi frozen meals, or an Amy's -- those are going to be more nutritionally sound, and the Kashi especially will have more whoel grains in it, and fiber.

    Keep asking the good questions! :)
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    Hands down IMO Amy's can't be beat - there are also lower sodium versions of a few of their meals (though none in stores near me :grumble: ).
  • jizenna
    jizenna Posts: 49
    There is no such thing as a healthy microwave dinner. If you truley wanna loose weight you need to cook for yourself. You also need to eat 6 meals a day. I do this and they are all small but they keep me full tell my next meal.

    I agree on the 6 meals a day, most nutritionists will recommend doing this. If you feel hunger your body will prepare for starvation which means it will hang on to fat that you probably want to lose. I guess you can sort of think of it as "tricking" your body, it has to know it's not going to starve.
  • Cbandelier
    Cbandelier Posts: 217 Member
    I don't eat them very often, but in general I have found that the ones with a meat item are more filling. If they are rice or pasta-based, I feel like I haven't eaten anything and am still hungry. I do like the Healthy Choice meals better than Lean cuisine, probably because they have dessert, lol.
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    I usually just add a piece of fruit or a salad or maybe a yogurt and that seems to fill me up.