Do you grade peoples buggy?



  • aimlow
    aimlow Posts: 39 Member
    I hope people don't judge mine at the supermarket. I buy my meat and fruit and veggies elsewhere so I have next to none of these in my trolley. they would wonder what live on.

    They would also be really judgemental at the moment as I have been shopping for my daughters party.

    lol they are special treats, even for her.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i love checking out what the person in front of me at the checkout is buying
  • staceywoo
    staceywoo Posts: 56
    I definitely do this, I can't help it! I'm really proud of all the healthy choices that I'm making in my trolley, especially when I compare it with others in the supermarket that are full of the things I used to buy. Now we regularly have cashiers comment that ours is one of the healthiest trolley of foods that they've put through the till!
  • justleeanne
    justleeanne Posts: 251 Member
    I love nosying at what people are buying! I never judge people or think anything about them but stupidly I always think people are judging me and thinking oh she needs to buy fruit and veg because she's fat lol crazy isn't it!
  • cmmull67
    cmmull67 Posts: 170 Member
    I stopped looking at the carts of the people around here. I can tell by the way they carry themselves exactly what isles they spend most of their money on. The same isles I tend to avoid.

    I have paid silent attention to what more of my co-workers eat, though. I laugh when one or two say they are trying to lose weight, and love their spinach salad...alongside 2 heaping egg and tuna salad sandwiches that they made with the big cans of tuna, globs of mayo, and processed white bread. The salad is doused with a cream-based dressing and chased with a 20 oz bottle of soda. But it's healthy because it's a spinach salad, and the tuna has protein. Or they east meatless pasta, but they eat enough for 4 people, in one setting.
  • mara232
    mara232 Posts: 93 Member
    I really try not to. I am proud of the choices I am making but would never judge others. Like someone said, I do feel bad for the kids eating garbage. Anyway, I can't judge. I've lost a lot of weight 2x before. I gained when I had my son and the second time I gained when I went back to school. This is my third time trying to lose the weight. I won't consider myself successful until I maintain it for 2-3 years. I'm no better than the fat/garbage cart shoppers - I didn't gain all this weight shopping in the veggies section. We should be careful not to judge - most of us here were those same fat/unhealthy people pushing around a cart full of junk.