What is your biggest food obstacle?



  • amohon
    amohon Posts: 39 Member
    Carbs. Period. Refined carbs can ruin my diet in seconds. But people keep encouraging me to give up all carbs - wheat, rice, potatoes, etc. I think it would help me lose, but I'm afraid to give up the good carbs, because I'll get to craving them, and give in to the refined ones. AAAHHHH!!!!

    I have to agree. Carbs are my worse. Being part Italian I grew up eating pasta at one grandparents house and on the other side of the family we had our potatoes. GRRRR. Than in the fruit that I love more Carbs, sometimes more than the pasta or potatoes.
  • steveoh99
    Mine is beer (LOL). I'm a big guy and can drink like it's no body's business, but once I put the calories into MFP I cry. Each of those delicious bottles has 130+ calories, which QUICKLY add up after a night on the town.

    And carbs, of course...
  • mrscjwilson
    mrscjwilson Posts: 252
    Unfortunetly for me, Its just food in general, there's not much I dont like, healthy or junk! Its portion control that I must watch cause Ill try almost anything to eat.
  • kld1624
    kld1624 Posts: 20 Member
    My obstacle is both ice cream and carbs. The carbs I've learned to control a little better by eating more fruits and veggies. Unfortunately, I'm having a hard time kicking the ice cream. I've been switching to low fat, lite, or fat free types, but will still occasionally go right for the regular.
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    Carbs like bread, pasta, crackers, tortillas. I tend to binge on things like that (pizza, etc). I am trying to cope by allowing myself one meal that contains one of those things per day, and get the rest of my carbs from fruit or other things.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member

    Combine them together and you get nature's perfect food....macaroni and cheese. *drool*

    I have a very hard time eating a measured serving of pasta. Previously my serving was a 1/4 pound dry! I have been avoiding it because I am not sure I can eat such a minuscule amount.
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    Alcohol....not that I "HAVE" to have it. I like having friends over on the weekend to chat, catch up, and have a few (or sometimes a few too many) drinks....
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    Not a food as such but wine was my main obstacle.

    I'd normally have a few glasses of wine, a big dinner, a few more glasses of wine and then nibbles... Next day I'd feel a bit rough so stuff my face.

    Doing that a few times per week meant I put on 6lbs in just a few months!

    I don't drink wine at all now!
  • TRACYW2002
    TRACYW2002 Posts: 33 Member
    chips and dip, especially mexican chips with queso dip
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  • Contrary03
    Contrary03 Posts: 289 Member
    Thank god i don't have a sweet tooth per say, never have... my weakness is vodka, steak, & cheeseburgers. I have drastically changed my diet but the one thing thats killing me is my coffee creamer and i havn't given it up. I'm fighting an inner battle with that one.
  • TRACYW2002
    TRACYW2002 Posts: 33 Member
    Thank god i don't have a sweet tooth per say, never have... my weakness is vodka, steak, & cheeseburgers. I have drastically changed my diet but the one thing thats killing me is my coffee creamer and i havn't given it up. I'm fighting an inner battle with that one.

    Same here, I tried to change my coffee creamer but it is just not the same
  • purple_punk
    purple_punk Posts: 174 Member
    rice :( i cant eat small portions of rice i'd rather not eat any rice than just 4 tablespoons lol
  • wingchunrick
    wingchunrick Posts: 267 Member
    Cheese & Wine. I love it and its a big weakness of mine. I used to try not eating it at all but then used to binge on it when I did have some. Goes down lovely with nice red wine....... I eat in moderation now and if I drink wine I count it as part of my calorie allowance...
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Cheese & Wine. I love it and its a big weakness of mine. I used to try not eating it at all but then used to binge on it when I did have some. Goes down lovely with nice red wine....... I eat in moderation now and if I drink wine I count it as part of my calorie allowance...

    Mmmm...I absolutely adore a hunk of Stilton and a glass (or three) of red wine.
  • funnythunder
    My biggest obstacle is my Husband!! He doesn't cook... full stop. He can just about manage beans on toast lol.

    The days I feel really up against it is when I am tired or grumpy and still have to make 2 meals, 1 for 'Mr Skinny' and one for me :(

    There is never a time when he offers to cook just because he can't do it (seriously he has tried and it has always been completely inedible!)

    Also Crisps (potato chips) I love them... I can eat bags on end. Coca Cola used to be a huge part of my day but I cut that out and limit myself, if I ever do have it, to 1 diet coke per day (rather than a 2 litre bottle of 'Fat Coke')

  • wingchunrick
    wingchunrick Posts: 267 Member
    Mmmm stilton and red is my favourite too.... Divine
  • wingchunrick
    wingchunrick Posts: 267 Member
    Cheese & Wine. I love it and its a big weakness of mine. I used to try not eating it at all but then used to binge on it when I did have some. Goes down lovely with nice red wine....... I eat in moderation now and if I drink wine I count it as part of my calorie allowance...

    Mmmm...I absolutely adore a hunk of Stilton and a glass (or three) of red wine.
  • kerryannediet
    kerryannediet Posts: 28 Member
    Carbs definitely carbs- crisps of all varieties, potato chips, rice, pasta and bread.... love them all!
  • Loveebbs
    Loveebbs Posts: 300 Member
    Sweets......I really missing eating candy (especially snickers)
    TIFFIEJO Posts: 14
    Kraft mac & cheese. I had not had it in about 10 years. My granddaughter was with me this weekend. When she comes to visit we go to the "go-shee" store and I always let her choose one of her favorite meals to have once during her visit. She choose Kraft mac&cheese and hot dogs.. ARGH.. I made the mistake of tasting it and ended up eating a huge bowl of it. There is some comfort connection I have with the salty fake cheese taste it has. I was at the store this morning picking up my Smart Water and was headed to the produce section to grab my sweet potato when BAM! right smack in the middle of the aisle was a display of those cute little single serve bowls! My mouth started to instantly water. After standing there debating I tossed one in my cart. On the way home I was stewing on my purchase and remembered something I read in a book I bought. It said something on the lines of " look at the people around you in the store. The happy, healthy, perky, bright-eyed people usually do not have processed junk in their carts." That did the trick... I threw the cute little bowl up into the back of my highest cupboard, figuring it would be too much of a hassle to get it back down. Now I think I will cook it up and quickly pour it into my Irish Wolfhounds bowl as a treat for her because I'm pretty sure that's a bowl I won't be tempted to lick! lol