lack of motivation

has found myself losing motivation, mum had ordered and now recieved jillian michaels 30 day shred. I managed to complete level 1 yesterday my muscles are aching. but ive lost all motivation for the gym as i dont get in from work until 8-9pm then its too late to go. how can i combine everything? i.e work, gym/swim eating right and having a life any help would be great.


  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    I think its about finding balance , i go to the gym twice a week i could do more and , sometimes i do but not often! for me the motivation is that i have lost 30lbs since August 2009 , its not a race its about life style change , if you are carefull you can lose weight with out exersise, but doing the exersise make me feel better, like i'm doing something for me , its my time

    Find something that works for you, it does not have to be the gym, cycle, dance, walk , run , swim, learn to enjoy "your" time

    Good luck on your journey
  • sargent1976
    sargent1976 Posts: 33 Member
    I haven't done any 'proper' exercise yet because i can't find the time (or motivation). I have been watching my calories like a hawk, not eating ANY junk and i seem to be doing okay. I take the stairs, park further away from the shops etc.. just little things to increase my exercise without too much effort. If you are too tired for the gym, just try walking up the stairs at home a few more times a day. Good luck.
  • cami78
    cami78 Posts: 42 Member
    I understand perfectly what you mean sometimes it can be very hard to manage your time. Have you consider doing your workouts early in the morning? I know if you are not a morning person like me here that can be tough lol Good luck and don't give up!