Really struggling lately

shannahrenee Posts: 380
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
I have no idea how get motivated to do this again. I was up to a 39 pound loss at my lightest a little over a year ago. I've managed to gain 20 of it back :(

I've been trying for the past couple months to get refocused but I can't seem to find the will power. I don't know how I did it before but I just can't seem to get back in that mindset for more than a week at a time.

Anyone else going through this right now?


  • You know, I understand what you are going through. I would say think about things that would really motivate you. Future Kids, your husband, feeling better, are all good things to think about. When I was in college a few years ago I couldn't find motivation to save my life, but then I found P90X about a year ago and it works wonders. Maybe you need a change of pace. It could be that the old things you were doing to lose weight aren't working anymore (from a motivational standpoint). Look for new things whether its working out or eating different foods. I know you will find a way!
  • RZO42488
    RZO42488 Posts: 64
    Start small and work your way up. Make a weekly goal to either: lose a pound, workout every other day, give up an unhealthy food you desire, or all three!!! After the first week set another goal for a week/month and strive to complete that. Reward yourself with something other than food after exceeding your goal(s).
  • skrupka
    skrupka Posts: 8
    Just start taking small steps- incrementing more fruits, vegetables, green tea and yogurt into your diet. Start exercising for ten maybe fifteen minutes a day. Try not to look at the weight you have gained back but look forward to losing a pound this week then the next, etc. It's easy to get burned out especially if you are really strict with your diet and exercise. I would die if you told me I could never have another dessert again- so I allow myself two a week. The rest of the time I eat really healthy. Don't beat yourself up and look at the negative. You lost almost forty pounds before!!! You can do this:-)
  • shannahrose
    shannahrose Posts: 585 Member
    This is spot on to how I was feeling about a month ago. I was at my lightest last Septmebre for my wedding, then after we got married we definitely let ourselves go a bit, then got hit by holidays, newlywed bliss, cold winter weather, late night snacking, you name it. I gained back 16 lbs and was disgusted with myself after all of my hard work.

    One day, I decided that I was going to refocus. I reset my MFP goals and my weight loss ticker and started fresh. I also signed up for a 10K race (which is a lofty goal for me) over Memorail Day and started on a running training program to stay focused.

    I've now lost back 6 of my 16 lbs and just feel better and more motivated in general. Best wishes to you - it's tough to get over the newlywed weight loss slump, but you'll get there! I'm here for any support I can give!!
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    I hear ya!! This has happened to me a couple times. I originally lost 45 lbs, then when I was unemployed for a while, I gained, then lost it again and more to 71 lbs lost, then moved to a new city and all the stress helped me gain 20 lbs of it back. I am now almost back to pre-move weight, but it took a while. I found the only thing that helped was to try to make the best choices i could when i wasn't doing so well and slowly get back into the swing of things. I know nobody likes it when they fall off sometimes, but keep trying, and slowly each good habit you had before will start coming. they may not come all at once, but they will come.
  • I know how you feel. After I had Ryan I lost a lot of weight, and was down to almost my highschool weight. Then, it slowly started creeping back up on me. I recently lost 15lbs, which was awesome. But, I feel like I am at a stand still, and struggling to keep that weight off. :-( For the first few weeks I did really good with my goals, but I feel myself slipping now and I am not sure how to muster the will power to deny all the good (bad) things I want! Its like all the sudden I am craving fast food and junk.
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