How do you stay positive and motivated?

I've had very little motivation lately. I've been at this for a while, and I'm seeing very S-L-O-W results. The past two weeks I've actually gained because I haven't had the motivation to eat well or exercise. I'm trying to get re-motivated by hearing what others have done!


  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    my motivation is 10k race for life, and need 2 b fitter :smile: to do it in a certain time
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    I've had very little motivation lately. I've been at this for a while, and I'm seeing very S-L-O-W results. The past two weeks I've actually gained because I haven't had the motivation to eat well or exercise. I'm trying to get re-motivated by hearing what others have done!

    Signing up for races keeps me motivated. I signed up for my first triathlon in December which is what started this whole journey for me. That tri is on April 10 so I am working towards being ready for that. I also have a 5K this weekend, another tri on May 1 and a third tri on June 5. Knowing I have to be ready for those things definitely keeps me working.

    Also, all my MFP friends are a HUGE source of motivation and positivity for me!!
  • dmb0174
    dmb0174 Posts: 31
    Wow, your post says exactly how I feel. It is VERY slow going for me also and last week was AWFUL because I just thought, what's the point?! Anyway, re-committed to this on Monday and just taking it one day at a time.

    I guess the only thing that keeps me working at it is I do just generally feel better when I eat healthy and exercise (regardless of what the scale says). Wish I had some great answer for you but I have the same struggle. Just know that you are not alone. \

    GOOD LUCK and don't give up!
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    Use your friends to motivate you. Celebrate their successes and cheer them on when they run into blips. This process is really hard, but the social component to this makes it much more do-able - at least it has for me. And it's infectious. You'll be spurred on by them in turn.

    If you don't have a lot of MFPs, then get some. Trust me, I've tried this twice and it really does make all the difference. By all means, friend me. I'm a great cheerleader!
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    I think its about finding balance , i go to the gym twice a week i could do more and , sometimes i do but not often! for me the motivation is that i have lost 30lbs since August 2009 , its not a race its about life style change , if you are carefull you can lose weight with out exersise, but doing the exersise make me feel better, like i'm doing something for me , its my time

    Find something that works for you, it does not have to be the gym, cycle, dance, walk , run , swim, learn to enjoy "your" time

    Good luck on your journey
  • juberry
    juberry Posts: 28 Member
    I read fitness magazines while I am on the elliptical at the gym. They are full of goodies! Fitness, Shape, Self, Health, Women's Health. I also love finding new skincare and makeup products while I'm reading. Often I try out new exercises in the mags when I move to the weights and bench area of the gym.

    Here's what motivates me: pants that fit. I hope you love exercise because it has so many benefits and allows you to lose weight more quickly and enjoy more rewards. Good luck!
  • dlindsay524
    Those are difficult at times but you're doing the best thing in asking for help and support from friends. :) We're all here to support you and I've found personally when I need a little motivation I buy an article of clothing I want to fit in and set it back as a goal...Then you have a visible goal...just a thought :)
  • Trista87Marie
    Trista87Marie Posts: 180 Member
    For me it's an everyday battle. It helps to remember why your doing it. What are your inspirations? And how great are you going to feel when you see yourself meeting your goals. I've been struggling with staying motivated and have definitely not been very positive at all lately. Sometimes I check out the success stories. The before and after pictures help me a lot and I cant until I have b/a pictures of my own. I think everyone has there own special thing that keeps them going, once you find yours you'll be grand!
  • jrueckert
    jrueckert Posts: 355 Member
    Set weekly and monthly goals, then reward yourself. It makes the daily grind easier when there's a purpose in sight.
  • michelegbowman
    Nowornever said it well. Be a cheerleader for others and share their success. It willl make YOU feel good :)

    The days will pass and then a week and then you'll notice it on the scale.
  • absolament
    absolament Posts: 278 Member
    I stay motivated by treating my health and fitness with the same importance as bathing and brushing my teeth. I wouldn't go without it.

    Also, I set dates with myself for exercising. I fill in my calendar at the beginning of the month and unless there is a very special event or I am not well, then I commit to my exercise dates. On days when I don't feel like exercising, I put on my workout clothes as soon as I get home from work. When I have my workout clothes on, it helps motivate me to go to the gym. Another thing that helps is not to work out too aggressively. It takes time to build up stamina and endurance. Accept that and your workouts will be more enjoyable because you'll be focused on the progress you'll feel in your body each time you go.

    Food is a little trickier, but if you simply cut out processed foods (boxed mac n cheese), increase fiber rich foods (sweet potatoes), increase Omega 3 (certain fish and eggs) and HDL foods (avocados and olive oil), reduce sodium and sugar, and dine out less often, you'll be on track.
  • tmanni02
    tmanni02 Posts: 4
    my daily motivation is to keep my calories low throughout the day so at the end of the day I'm low enough under my goal to have a treat.
    My inital motivation to start was getting on the scale and realizing that I was the heaviest I'd ever been. Now that I've lost a few pounds I am motivated by the fact that my clothes are fitting better and coworkers are telling me I look thinner. Now I've got three or four coworkers started because they see what I am accomplishing.
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    I have to remind myself that, its not what I want... its what my body wants... and If my body wants to lose it slowly then so be it... the slower it comes off the better of a chance I will keep it off...

    I also threw out my scale... and opt'd for a measuring tape instead... I started lifting more weights, because even tho my weight wasn't moving my inches were... it took me three months before I even lost a pound... but in that time I lost almost 9 inches... just stay with it! you will succeed...

    remember.. slow and steady wins the race.. this journey is not only about becoming skinny.. its about changing life styles, becoming healthier, and changing your mind frame.
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    When I get discouraged, I just remind myself that these changes are for me. I want to look better, feel attractive, and not hate the image staring back at me in the mirror. After your first compliment, it makes the slow progress all worth while...

    Sometimes, people loose more inches than weight, so that might be another way to check your weight loss (overall loss really) that might help you keep motivated.
  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    I have written and set goals throughout this process. Health is my main goal, but having events, trips, a party to attend, fitting into a certain size clothes or pair of jeans, lowering my blood pressure, having the energy to hike a big hill, hitting a waist measurement are all part of it. All of these things have helped to keep me motivated on this journey. Step by step, week by week, etc. As I move along I add more goals and celebrate the ones I have achieved. It isn't always easy and I do get discouraged at times. My friends here at MFP have been great to help keep me motivated and supported.
  • mochangela
    I excercise every weekday twice, but other soldiers that are more physically fit motivate me, they make me want to be stronger and faster. i know also, i dont go so hard everyday i go hard when we train in the morning but for my workout, i dont, but i do variate what excercise i do during the week, even on the weekend i go to the gym, just to get in the sauna, it helps me to stay motivated to be in that environment some days you could take a spin class, or zumba for your cardio, for strength training you could do yoga or pilates, or swimming, but if youhave a membership at a gym, just at least go there, hope that helps ;)
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
    I have to keep remining myself that I didn't gain this weight quickly, so its not going to come off quickly....I also look at the success stories threads and the pictures keep me positive....IT CAN BE DONE, and WE CAN DO IT. Just be patient with yourself, celebrate your success so far instead of feeling bad over what hasn't yet happened. This is a human experience, and we are not perfect....

    You're here and you are trying...put that into perspective from before you even considered taking this journey, and you'll see, you've already come a long way. :)
  • Dkittery
    Dkittery Posts: 82
    I think its about finding balance , i go to the gym twice a week i could do more and , sometimes i do but not often! for me the motivation is that i have lost 30lbs since August 2009 , its not a race its about life style change , if you are carefull you can lose weight with out exersise, but doing the exersise make me feel better, like i'm doing something for me , its my time

    I have lost 20 pounds since August of 2009. You are so right, it's all about changing your life style. I have just started this week going to the gym 4 to 5 times a week instead of 3 times a week (within the past month). I also upped my cardo to an hour. With watching my calories I have lost 6.2 pounds in this past month...... I was at a stand still for a whole year. Couldn't loose anything. This site has made me realize that I was eating more calories than I should of to keep loosing. I have only been on here for a week and within that week I have lost 2 pounds, all cause I'm making better decisions on my food. This site is extremely helpful, love seeing what motivates others and getting people to support me and progress.... :) You can friend me too. :)
  • PrairieRoseNE
    PrairieRoseNE Posts: 265 Member
    My nephew is getting married this Fall, and alot of the people that will be there I haven't seen for probably a year or more.
    My goal is to WOW everyone with the new me - because I've always been the fat one in the family. Ok, so that's vain - but it's the truth.

    I do feel better about myself mentally & physically, and my blood pressure is at a healthy number now, so all my hard work wasn't just for vanity reasons, but having that wedding goal keeps me working hard.

    And even if no one says anything - I know they'll notice!! And that will be the best part!!!

    Stay strong - YOU are worth the hard work and the struggle and the counting calories and the time spent logging it all in, etc...... ((HUGS))
  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
    My walking buddies at work keep me going. I may not start off wanting to go but when I am done I feel so much better. This site
    Helps too. My little boys comments about my tummy running away help too.