Newbie from MD... On the weight lost journey

Hello all.. .I am new to this site, I stumbled upon it on the internet and then found it on my phone... So far i love this site, it is kinda addictive and I have sent the link to many other friends that may be interested...

I am 28 years old and looking to lose about 40 lbs give/take... I would like to get some tips, recipes and some exercise regimins that I could use to make this journey successful. I am trying to lose the weight and keep it off...

I have changed my eating habits as well as started working out... This is my 2nd full week in the gym...

Again hello to all and I plan on enjoying my time with everyone on the site.


  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Hello and welcome! *waves* fellow MD'er here.
  • dreamom
    dreamom Posts: 1
    Hi, I recently started working out again and really want to loose about 50 pounds. I never had a weight problem until after I had kids and it's been really hard to loose the weight. I gained so much with each kid. I found this on my touch and I love it! Hopefully I can stick with the program and loose the weight in a healthy but long term way. Good luck!
  • msdominique1
    msdominique1 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi MzBug...

    Dreamom i wish you luck to as I did not have a weight problem all in school but now that I am getting older I want to stop the weight gain as I have not had any kids yet so I am determined to get the weight off and keep it off...

    You can do it though with this site... This site is truly a lifesaver to say the least. I love it and I have been recommending it to all my friends in hopes that they will join and participate in the weight loss journey with me and the thousands of others out here...