lunges = muscle soreness

OK, this may be a bit wordy but there may be several factors involved. Please bear with me because I'd really like some feedback.

I'm a 58 year old male. My lifestyle is, unfortunately, almost entirely sedentary. I became disgusted with my weight around the end of September, changed my diet and started doing 30 minutes of cardio daily.

I've lost 45 pounds (have another 20 to go). That's all good.

About six weeks ago I began adding some weight/strength training to my day. That was going fine.

Then I got a severe case of pneumonia that kept me from doing any sort of exercise for about three weeks. I still don't feel well yet but I figured I was well enough to start reintroducing exercise.

The first day or two went better than expected, pretty much back to where I was before I became sick. So I went ahead and added lunges to my routine, as I had been planning to before the illness. Nothing too strenuous, just three sets of 10 with no weights. Didn't seem too bad.

Until the next day when my thighs were waaaay sore. Ok, I expected that and that was an "off day" for lower body anyway, so I figured they'd recover.

Well, it's been four days now (no more workouts in the interim) and they are STILL sore.

This doesn't feel right to me. Any opinions?

And what should I do? Keep resting until the muscles recover or start working out again?


  • Monicamarkt
    Monicamarkt Posts: 22 Member
    That sounds perfectly normal to me. The part i would change is not working out on your off days. I would add in some cardio to get your blood moving and get that lactic acid out. Also, drink a lot of water and make sure you are eating quality food. If it feels like a pull rather than pain in the belly of the muscle that's when you should worry. Otherwise, keep on keepin on. Good luck
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    Totally normal, especially if you hadn't done much by way of weight training before this. I LOVE lunges and do them constantly and still, if I do more than normal, will be sore for a few days. Just make sure that you're getting enough protein after your workouts. Also, a good warm-up/stretch as well as a cool down/stretch will help combat some of the soreness. You can expect some extended periods of soreness for the first couple weeks of weight training.
  • choley222
    choley222 Posts: 57
    When I am that sore the only thing that helps stretch out the muscles again is doing the same exercise. I allow the one rest day for lower body or upper body then go right back into it the next day no matter how sore I am. It really helps. You will still be a little sore but not as bad. The first time I took a weight lifting class where we did lunges and squats I felt like I couldn't sit for a week.
  • lordofultima
    I love feeling sore, and you should too. When you introduce a new exercise or muscle group that you haven't worked out intensely before, you're going to be sore all week long -- at first. You'll miss the soreness when you don't get it anymore. That said, I let each of my muscle groups recover for 7 days before hitting them again, because they need to recover after super-strenuous activity.
  • chach918
    chach918 Posts: 80 Member
    Since you are getting over pneumonia , I would not push it. A few ibuprofen and hot baths should help with recovery. Once sore ness seems manageable, go back to working out. Remember to stretch afterwards and warm up before . Also go slow. Try doing 2 sets for first week, or sets of 6 , thann next time 8. Good luck and speedy recovery.
  • crazymgpilot
    crazymgpilot Posts: 26 Member
    It's normal to feel soreness, especially after an illness...I've had the pain last for a week. The best way I've found is to workout again. As you workout your muscles will work through the lactic acid and it may take a couple weeks but your muscles will get used to the efforts. I would take it slowly at first, then build up again as they get used to it. Good job starting again and keep up the good work.
  • JPayne53
    JPayne53 Posts: 235 Member
    I don't think you have anything to worry about in terms of an injury. I've always recommended to my clients after a strenuous workout or when introducing something new into their routine is to take a very hot shower (recommended right after the workout and get it as hot as you can stand it) and stretch the areas you worked with the water beating down on your muscles. It's not a guarantee that you will NOT be sore, but it will definitely help shorten the length of time you may be sore and decrease some of the intensity of the muscle pain.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Lunges are my favorite excersize. They also make me the most sore because they intensely target your glutes.

    My last lunge exercise was;
    Warm up set; 12 reps per leg with 80# EZ curl bar on shoulders, then 5 sets of 5 reps with 165#.

    That was Friday, I think? It takes me about 3 days to recover from those. I have found that if I do 30 minutes or so on the stationary bike immediately after those, that I have very little soreness.

    If you have the time, Google 'gluteal atrophy'. Very interesting.
  • denise980
    denise980 Posts: 296
    Also, a good warm-up/stretch as well as a cool down/stretch will help combat some of the soreness.

    Stretching does wonders for relieving the lactic acid that builds up. What happens is your muscles are not used to working out because of being sick and due to you not being able to exercise, they have gotten used to not working out.
  • Texaganian
    Thanks to everyone who responded. Much appreciated.

    Went back to my full walk + cardio + lower body routine yesterday. Everything feels good today.
  • julie1245
    well same thing happened to me, the bain is almost unbairable, did not want to bend down to pick up anything at work , I was happy to hear that this is normal, thanks for all the great replies, will just keep at it,
  • melybelyc
    Do you have a foam roller? They are very, very helpful to use to help relieve muscle tension and pain. Congrats on your progress as well!
  • Greytfish
    Greytfish Posts: 810
    Being ill can take a lot out of you, and lung illnesses can cause your body some lingering issues with oxygenating for a short while.

    If this is a totally new exercise, expect to be sore for a few days and expect that to diminish with repetition of that workout.

    You also want to watch your preotein levels, especially if your nutirion plan already creates a calorie deficit. Your body cannot build muscle in a calorie deficit, and it has a hard time repairing it.

    Make sure you drink water to help flush lactic acid and try doing some light cardio on recovery days for the same effect.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Welcome to my life. :laugh:

    I have been dabbling with the following legs routine:
    15 reps Jefferson squats (left leg forward)
    15 weighted lunges with left leg
    Rest 2 minutes
    15 reps Jefferson squats (right leg forward)
    15 weighted lunges with right leg
    Rest 2 minutes

    Repeat for another round.

    Then 15 weighted lunges with left leg followed by 15 weighted lunges with right leg.

    If zombies chased me today, I'll just chop myself into portions of meat for them as it's easier than trying to run.