cliff bars and luna bars



  • snookemz
    snookemz Posts: 82
    my blood sugar has been really wacky since my pregnancy with my daughter (so 3 years) so I eat a luna bar before I get out of bed as breakfast in the morning. By the time I'm done eating it, the sugar impact has hit my system and I can get up without feeling like I'll puke (or actually doing it). I just got into them about 4months ago and now I don't want life without a bar in bed! lol I spent the better part of 3 years being horribly sick every morning so these are a blessing. They're easy to find and pretty cheap (hell I can buy a bulk pack at Sam's Club for cheap!) so I love them. I do cliff bars occasionally too. They both keep me full for a looong time and keep me eating a breakfast :)
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    I don't eat protein bar as daily bases also, rather use it when I cannot access food when I really needed. I use all these:
    * Pure Protein Bar (20g protein)
    * Clif builder Bar (20g protein)
    * Clif bar (start shy away from it because high calories 260/270, but only 10-11g protein)
    * Odwalla - Super Protein Original Bar (lower calories 210, more protein 14g than Clif bar)
  • corpus_validum
    corpus_validum Posts: 292 Member
    I make my own protein bars, but do prefer the following store bought ones on occasion:

    Perfect Foods Bar - organic BUT perishable, so you can only find them in the refrigerated section of natural food stores. They're moist and taste great (especially if you like peanut or almond butter)

    Pure Protein Bar - count me in as another fan. reasonably priced with 20g proteins and very little carbs. favorite flavors are s'mores and blueberry crumb cake
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