Frustrated... Lost... Need Motivation

Schmoopy221 Posts: 19 Member
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, I am semi new here. I lost a few pounds using MFP, last year, due to an office "contest". (I won a weekend trip to Disney with my family! Woot Woot for me!) After that, I just quit. Ate whatever, whenever I wanted. Now, I am paying for it. I have gained about 20 pounds. Well, I want it gone again! This time it seems much harder. I am trying to eat foods that are better for me. I know I need to drink more water. I know I need to eat more veggies. Fact is, that I really don't like a lot of veggies so I am really struggling with that. One thing that I read tells me to eat 1900 calories. The next thing I read tells me to eat 1200 calories. MFP tells me to eat 1600 calories. I don't know what the heck I'm doing!!!

The rest of my family does not have the same food/exercise struggles as I. Hubby is slim, toddlers are slim and the teens are exercising away more calories than they are eating due to Crew. That being said, I have a big family with zero time to myself so fitting in any form of exercise has been difficult. By the time, my day is done, it is 9pm and I am not really comfortable in going out for a jog/walk. But, I have recently been able to squeeze in 2 days of walking, for 45 minutes each time. The other hitch in the exercise train is that I have recently had knee surgery so there are certain exercises that I am not able to do for 6 months or so.

Any help, motivation or friends would be appreciated...



  • mharbaug
    mharbaug Posts: 9
    I too lost weight last year for a contest and put back on 15-20 lbs. and I agree it is harder the next time. I have started back putting all my information on here and that is certainly helping. I also have someone at work that is trying to stay on track review my printout just for the accountability part.
    As for exercise, just 10 minutes at a time several times a day will work wonders. It is much easier to find 10 minutes than 40-50 at a time. You can do several minutes of cardio even in a chair by shadow boxing. It sounds corny but it does get the heart rate up. Then you can do arm exercises also while seated.
    Good luck with your journey - it's nice to know someone else is in the same predicament. I know you can get it off, because you have done it before.
  • nlewis22
    nlewis22 Posts: 107 Member
    Exercise in the a.m. It's hard for the first few days to get up and do it, but that's what I did a few years ago and you'd be surprised at the added energy you feel throughout the day! As a metter of fact, I think I am going to start taking my own advice, LOL! (My poor night-owl hubby won't like it) But seriously, I remember finishing my morning run and feeling so accomplished and ready to face the day! I know you had knee surgery recently, is there a pool that's close by and open in the mornings?
    I know it can be hard, I haven't done well at all this month, and I'm starting to feel it, but that's the great thing about MFP. Support and accountablilty!
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    hi welcome, walkings gd and 2 lots of 45 mins r better than nothing, its a starting point. U can add me if u like:smile:
  • ChelDM
    ChelDM Posts: 145
    Ok, first thing...It isn't a is a complete life change..If you keep saying you will meet the goal of your choosing then you go back to eating with the same habits you had before the weight loss you will most definitely gain the weight again. You need to first decide to change the mindset...

    As for the rest it is a lot to answer you need to drink 8-8oz glasses of water a 4 servings of vegetables...45 grams of protein minimum for a 1200 calorie diet...and exercise a minimum of 30 minutes each day or 60 minutes per 4 days a week.

    You are trying to tackle the entire thing in one post and honestly that alone would make me feel defeated...Try making small changes daily.

    Hope this helps some.
  • BoxLady
    BoxLady Posts: 2
    Hello, I'm new to this message board thing, but your message struck me, we were just talking about this at my lunchtime exercise class. I recently decided to get healthy (again) also & some days are easier than others. I joined a noon strength training class, it was some thing I could do on my lunch hour, so I'm not taking time away from my family or other obligations, plus, if you "sign up" you are obligated to be there & we were just talking about how nice it is to do something for yourself, even if it's small, you feel so much better about doing all the things you have to do later. My other tid bit, is this, take it one step at a time, you are a work in progress & you can only do what you can do. Good Luck, Angie
  • SammieGetsFit
    SammieGetsFit Posts: 432 Member
    One thing that works for me (in the past and so far this go round) is sticking to what I like. I don't have a problem with getting bored/burned out easy. I can have the same meal several times a week, only switching it up when I really just don't want it again. You said you don't like many veggies, but I'm assuming there are some you do. Focus on those and work those in as often as possible. Only cucumbers (or whatever) is better than no veggies because you can't stomach the idea of corn.

    With regard to exercise, you might want to try doing things with your family that can double as a workout -- Wii/Kinect/Move games, play in the yard, walks around the neighborhood. You won't have to sacrifice family time for workout time. 6am workouts are also good, but not for the feint of heart.

    Finally, I agree with the others. Take it one thing at a time. It's easy to focus on 5 things you "can't" do and get overwhelmed. Don't. Pick one thing to work on and once you've got that in a routine, tackle another. It may not lead to uber-rapid weight loss at first, but it'll have a higher chance for long-term success.

    GOOD LUCK! Feel free to add me if you'd like. :)
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