Need suggestions on how to get motivated to exercise

rainydaydreamer Posts: 2
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
I just started and cant seem to get the push to start any type of exercise?


  • ahappyapple
    ahappyapple Posts: 128 Member
    You will have to just make yourself start something. Go for even a 5 minute walk today. Everyday you can walk a little farther than before.
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    I just started and cant seem to get the push to start any type of exercise?

    What are your goals? We don't know anything about you so it's hard to know what would motivate you since there are so many different reasons people want to get in shape!
  • karilynn27
    karilynn27 Posts: 190 Member
    This is really weird but I have a photoshopped photo of myself in a bikini and I put it where I keep my workout clothes and near my bathroom closet my fiance thinks its weird but it really motivates me to want to work out and get my *kitten* in gear. It makes me dream about being that thin and looking great for summer, if you can't photo shop then cut out a model's body from a mag and paste your face on it. Its weird but I am a very visual person and it works!

    Good luck.

    It also helps to have a work out buddie, MAKE you go.
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    A big thing for me was picking a long-term goal and then putting together a plan to get there. For example, I decided to run a half marathon (I was a casual runner, but you can start with a 5K and bump it up if you've never ran before). I did the research on different training programs and extended the plan to a level that I'm comfortable with. Now I have a calendar at work and one at home with my daily training, so I know what I have to do each day. I also just started the hundred pushup training ( Again, it's just a quick plan that I know if I do each day, slow and steady, that soon I'll be hitting a major goal. It's a lot easier to exercise if you know that you're doing it for something bigger (ie a race) instead of just doing it to lose weight.
  • riclyn
    riclyn Posts: 1
    You exercise with other people you know. If you miss an exercise class you are missed by others. You need to have someone hold you accountable
  • juleseybaby
    juleseybaby Posts: 712 Member
    I had a horrible time with that as well. I finally found something that I actually enjoy doing and it is going well thus far - Zumba. I bought the DVDs and do it in my living room.

    So - that's my suggestion - try to find something you like. If there is nothing - then remember walking is a great exercise - if you can't go outside due to weather get a treadmill (insert headphones or TV for entertainment purposes) or find a local church that has a free gym with a walking track (insert headphones here too so you are less likely to get bored with it).
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member

    I know that sounds like the worst advice ever but I think its true. But how do you start?

    For me, I decided that for a certain period I was going to be very "strict" with myself. I had to exercise X times a week for X weeks. No excuses were good enough I had to make it happen. Also, I clarified in a written note to myself what exactly my expectations were (for example, I didn't have to run 3 miles then lift weights every work out. I just needed to do something physical. Go for a walk and do a few crunches).

    I was able to meet that goals because in my mind it was only for a finite period. I think this helped because everyday I wasn't grappling with the whole "this is rest of your life" idea. It was just for those few weeks so I had to do it.

    Only a week or two into this period I started looking forward to my exercise time. Once your body adjusts it will crave it. Now, I still have my goal and weeks are broken up into segments. If I meet my exercise goals I reward myself with a chosen thing.

    Hope that helps!
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    start with walking, or some other activity u enjoy doing:smile:
  • Mustangsally1000
    Mustangsally1000 Posts: 854 Member
    so important to find something you actually like! That would be a big help. Always hard to keep doing something you don't enjoy at all.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    This ( ) makes me get up an move.

    Also, a MFP friend kept logging 15 minute walks. She made me realize that even with a tight schedule, I could fit in a short walk on my lunch break. Full props to WA_Teacher.
  • :bigsmile: Get a friend to walk with you and agree that you will push each other to go. Once you start it gets easier! We started by walking at work with a group of girls, then at home with a friend and now I am going home and working out before I do anything else! It makes a huge difference in your progress too! when you start seeing results you will stay on track easier! Good luck!
  • I started by doing 20 minutes of stepping while I watched tv in the morning. It went so fast I went up to 30 minutes.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    it is easier if you can find someone to do it with you. Maybe find a neighbor to do a morning walk with, maybe you can walk to the park with your kids or grandkids, maybe do mallwalking (if you keep going , you will probably get to know others that do it). Having someone to do it with helps to keep you accountable and wanting to do it. Also if you find something you like to do you are more likely to do it, maybe bike riding, joining a gym,
  • ropedancer
    ropedancer Posts: 115
    I find it helps to do my workouts first thing in the morning. When I used to workout in the afternoons, I'd find myself making tons of excuses. It also helps to have friends on mfp that workout religiously. I can't help but look at their news feeds and go "well they're all doing it just fine. What excuse do I have?" I also agree that finding an exercise you enjoy is key to motivation.

    Once I got into the habit of exercising regularly (this took 3-4 weeks), I found the motivating myself wasn't really a big deal anymore. I woke up, and I exercised. It became part of my routine. As a result, when I have to take a day off (due feeling sick, unusual muscle pain, or temporary change in schedule), I feel really off, like I've missed out on something.
  • Jassper
    Jassper Posts: 25
    How about a 10" scar down the center of your chest at age 42?

    Thats my motivation.
  • RMX983
    RMX983 Posts: 34
    For me, I knew that I needed a goal.

    I also knew that it would take an extreme goal to actually get me up off my butt. So I signed up for a half marathon. Pretty simple, I either lose the weight, train hard, and get ready for it, or I show up out of shape, still fat, and completely embarrass myself.

    So far it's worked pretty well. I'm now coming up on week 7 of C25K and usually spend 30-120 min per day exercising getting ready.
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