Cruise in 3 days - SCARED TO DEATH

Ok folks I know this sounds stupid but I'm petrified to get on my honeymoon cruise. Mind you this is cruise #9 for me and you think it was my first time!

I've lost 54 pounds in about 3 months and I almost am to the point I can say I LIKE how I look ... but in 3 days I get on a cruise ship that everyone is talking about EATING!!

We are going to go horseback riding (one of my motivations actually) and snorkeling but the food in my opinion is the scarey thing - will they make me fish without all those sauces, And really for a bottle of water?! as the hours are apporaching I'm getting more and more nervous

I'm bringing my work out wear and going to walk ALOT and hit the gym a few times.. but my choices for food are GONE!! I've been on isagenix from the start of my journey and you have your shake replacement for meals 2 times a day - I dont want to bring the shake stuff with me but I cant feel like my choices are gone! I really DO NOT like the food on the cruises but if its all I got then yeah I'm going to eat to live not live to eat -

but what if I come home and the jeans dont fit!!



  • dorktv
    dorktv Posts: 30
    Do not worry so much, find plenty of things to do (and there are a lot of them) that keep you away from the food. Also have you booked any shore excursions? You get off the ship and it keeps you from eating (and makes you walk or more too!)
  • rvice2
    rvice2 Posts: 132 Member
    I feel your pain! I'm getting married in June and we are taking a cruise. I purposefully chose the cruise that has spinning classes because I do that already 3 days a week and that has the upper level track because I also run. I plan on working out hard each morning so that I don't feel as bad about the food I eat. I've been on a cruise before and I will say that your best bet is to have the sit down meal options. Don't go to the buffets and stay away from the midnight chocolate bar!!!!
  • leb89
    leb89 Posts: 54
    I honestly think that you shouldn't hold back. I'm not saying you should eat and drink everything in site, but it is your honeymoon cruise! Have fun, and don't restrain yourself to where you aren't enjoying the benefits of the cruise (free food!) Just make sure you get back up when it is over. i doubt (and hope) you will never have another honeymoon cruise so live it up!
  • LifesPilgrim
    LifesPilgrim Posts: 498 Member
    I have been on several cruises and here are the general rules I follow:

    1. Take the stairs everywhere.
    2. Walk a lot
    3. On the menu are light or healthy recommended choices, stick to those if they look good.
    4. Eat the salad first, dressing on the side and use maybe half the dressing
    5. Get 1 dessert and split with your new husband. It's more fun that way!

    Most importantly, enjoy yourself. Don't let your worrying spoil your memories for the rest of your life!
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    You can eat the things you want! Just make sure you don't over eat and follow your workout routine!

    Everything is fine in moderation.
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    Load up during the day on the buffets that have lots of fruit... if you stock up on those things during the day, then you can eat less at dinner. It's not super difficult to find healthy choices on cruises, you just have to look. All of the buffets will have tons of fruits and veggies. If there's something specific you want, ask for it, chances are they're find it for you.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    cruise ships have tons of food-yes, but they also have tons of healthy food options--so make the right choices, and you will do fine---even if you slip slightly--its not the end of the world--just exercise and work it off---but do your best to make right choices.
  • MrsMills712
    MrsMills712 Posts: 350
    On my last cruise I gained 6lbs in the 7days I was gone. I didn't exercise. I ate all 3 meals, most nights with dessert. I did drink water with all my meals though. I'm not trying to be discouraging, just sharing my experience. I don't think the 6lbs was so bad, especially since I didn't do anything to prevent it. The fun that I had with my family, and the amazing food that I got to eat made it worth it, because it all came back off quickly once I got back. I agree with the advice to go and have fun. Don't be so nit-picky about everything that you walk away from your honeymoon only remembering your worry.

    You've done amazingly well with your weight-loss. I don't think the cruise will stop that momentum ;-)
    Just my opinion.

    Congrats, by the way! :)
  • leb89
    leb89 Posts: 54
    On my last cruise I gained 6lbs in the 7days I was gone. I didn't exercise. I ate all 3 meals, most nights with dessert. I did drink water with all my meals though. I'm not trying to be discouraging, just sharing my experience. I don't think the 6lbs was so bad, especially since I didn't do anything to prevent it. The fun that I had with my family, and the amazing food that I got to eat made it worth it, because it all came back off quickly once I got back. I agree with the advice to go and have fun. Don't be so nit-picky about everything that you walk away from your honeymoon only remembering your worry.

    You've done amazingly well with your weight-loss. I don't think the cruise will stop that momentum ;-)
    Just my opinion.

    Congrats, by the way! :)

    I totally agree. I overall gained I think 6-7 lbs also on my almost 2 week cruise, but as soon as i got back home and started eating and exercising again, it fell back off within a couple of weeks. plus i didn't just eat three meals- I ate A LOT. I was one of those people that would take advantage of the dinner menu and order two apps and two entrees and of course a desert every night as well as a desert for lunch. baha. Cruises are expensive and I was for sure going to take full advantage of miles and miles of food. I also had a friend that pigged out on the cruise and didn't gain a pound.
    Just don't forget to have fun- that should be priority number 1!