my HRM hates me, help required please



  • karenpinkchick
    I'm well confused!!! My heart rate was a Nike one and told me calories burnt.. It annoyed me coz I'd be on a bike or cross trainer which picked up my heart rate off the chest strap and my watch would have much lower calories than the machine. Anyway that died a few days ago and I've just ordered a sigma onxyl heart rate moniter from amazon. It's £30 and blue.... No reviews on amazon uk but good reviews from USA.
    I thought calories burnt were off what your heart rates doing.... So walkings less coz ure heart rates not as high...
  • bugnbeansmom
    bugnbeansmom Posts: 292 Member
    I noticed you said you purchased it from Amazon UK. Could there be a conversion to pounds issue. When you entered the web site, are you sure your weight is in pounds?
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    I'm well confused!!! My heart rate was a Nike one and told me calories burnt.. It annoyed me coz I'd be on a bike or cross trainer which picked up my heart rate off the chest strap and my watch would have much lower calories than the machine. Anyway that died a few days ago and I've just ordered a sigma onxyl heart rate moniter from amazon. It's £30 and blue.... No reviews on amazon uk but good reviews from USA.
    I thought calories burnt were off what your heart rates doing.... So walkings less coz ure heart rates not as high...

    Hi Karen, I too am confused but re the walking is less coz your heart rate is less I hear you but I transfer the data by USB then if I choose walking I get x calories, if I choose running I get y cals and if I choose cycling I get z calories. All with the same data so same distance same heart rate same max min and average heart rate....
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    @ Sandram my hrm shows me when I am in my preset target zone too. My hrm hates me I don't hate it lol! I would like to understand how 1 hours activity with an average heart rate of 135 can be different if running or skipping for example???
    I think we need actual numbers to understand the difference.

    What calorie burn does your software give you for a given event, selecting running or skipping.
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    I noticed you said you purchased it from Amazon UK. Could there be a conversion to pounds issue. When you entered the web site, are you sure your weight is in pounds?

    Hi yep I have checked and rechecked all my data, ie gender, age, height, weight. I also have got back from a run downloaded my data to get the distance run then got in the car and measured it lol and it is damn well accurate..... My heart rates records fluctuate accurately with my effort and on the whole it is great, I just don't like how few cals I get for getting sweaty and I don't understand why the same data would give a different cal burn depending on activity....
  • karenpinkchick
    I'm well confused!!! My heart rate was a Nike one and told me calories burnt.. It annoyed me coz I'd be on a bike or cross trainer which picked up my heart rate off the chest strap and my watch would have much lower calories than the machine. Anyway that died a few days ago and I've just ordered a sigma onxyl heart rate moniter from amazon. It's £30 and blue.... No reviews on amazon uk but good reviews from USA.
    I thought calories burnt were off what your heart rates doing.... So walkings less coz ure heart rates not as high...

    Hi Karen, I too am confused but re the walking is less coz your heart rate is less I hear you but I transfer the data by USB then if I choose walking I get x calories, if I choose running I get y cals and if I choose cycling I get z calories. All with the same data so same distance same heart rate same max min and average heart rate....

    That really doesn't make sense!!! I hope my new hrm is simple.....
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I noticed you said you purchased it from Amazon UK. Could there be a conversion to pounds issue. When you entered the web site, are you sure your weight is in pounds?

    Hi yep I have checked and rechecked all my data, ie gender, age, height, weight. I also have got back from a run downloaded my data to get the distance run then got in the car and measured it lol and it is damn well accurate..... My heart rates records fluctuate accurately with my effort and on the whole it is great, I just don't like how few cals I get for getting sweaty and I don't understand why the same data would give a different cal burn depending on activity....

    I just downloaded your manual. You have a unit that seems to be used for only running or walking(using Speedbox) it measures the distance you travel and that is used in it's calculation. You can also use the special piece and you can attach it to a bike.

    I didn't see anything about selecting another type of activity like skipping?
    So this latest run. If you would like to share with us the numbers to help understand. Your software says you burned xx calories. Where is it that you are selecting a different activity to get a different calorie burn, and how much difference between the two.
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    @ Sandram my hrm shows me when I am in my preset target zone too. My hrm hates me I don't hate it lol! I would like to understand how 1 hours activity with an average heart rate of 135 can be different if running or skipping for example???
    I think we need actual numbers to understand the difference.

    What calorie burn does your software give you for a given event, selecting running or skipping.

    This mornings exercise is what caused this thread, so I did c25k walk running for 32 mins, get in front of my computer n transfer by USB my data. A graph shows 32 mins of peaks n troughs 4 peaks which correspond to the 4 periods of running perfectly. I have an average heart rate of 130 ish over the 32 mins.

    There is a box which gives me the calories burned and this morning I chose activity walking so 65 calories were indicated, so I then changed the activity to running and cals burned equalled 175 (so I recorded halfway between on mfp) but the I thought well what if I choose cycling.... Got 98, then swimming got 134 then skipping got 144....

    This is all with the I think accurate data from my actual activity c25k. If I have a heart rate of x for y duration wouldn't my cals burn be similar?????
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    Hey thanks for your time on this. I have the speedbox n it is accurate for speed n distance I have the bike mount and that just holds your watch on the handlebar whilst your watch does it's thing with the strap no speed or distance is record just hrmonitoring which again I think is accurate. The software is where I read my data and it defaults to running but on changing the activity the cals burned vary.....
    I noticed you said you purchased it from Amazon UK. Could there be a conversion to pounds issue. When you entered the web site, are you sure your weight is in pounds?

    Hi yep I have checked and rechecked all my data, ie gender, age, height, weight. I also have got back from a run downloaded my data to get the distance run then got in the car and measured it lol and it is damn well accurate..... My heart rates records fluctuate accurately with my effort and on the whole it is great, I just don't like how few cals I get for getting sweaty and I don't understand why the same data would give a different cal burn depending on activity....

    I just downloaded your manual. You have a unit that seems to be used for only running or walking(using Speedbox) it measures the distance you travel and that is used in it's calculation. You can also use the special piece and you can attach it to a bike.

    I didn't see anything about selecting another type of activity like skipping?
    So this latest run. If you would like to share with us the numbers to help understand. Your software says you burned xx calories. Where is it that you are selecting a different activity to get a different calorie burn, and how much difference between the two.
  • michelegrayson
    So, are you saying your heart rate monitor doesn't tell you the calories your burned? I have a Polar Heart rate monitor and it tell me my heart rate as I exercise. Usually I am between 130 bpm (low exertion like biking at a moderate rate) and 160 (High exertion like climing a 10% grade on that same bike).

    Once I'm done exercising, it shows me waht my highest bpm were, lowest bpms were and average bpm. And it also tells me how long I exercised and how many calories I burned. I use that number in the MFP exercise journal not what pops up when I say i biked for 75 minutes (Usually that number is at least 20% higher).

    BTW, 60 bpm seems really low to me if you are exercising. That is my resting heart rate!!
  • knothead76
    The difference is. The heartrate monitor is measuring your heartrate. It does not measure the muscle groups (which is what is actually burning the calories). When you walk, even if you have the same heartrate as running, you will not have the same calorie burn as if you are running. When you run, you put forth more energy, work your muscles more, etc...which in turn gives you more of a calorie burn. Same goes for cycling. When cycling, you are primarily using your lower body, vs. whole body for running. More muscles you use, the more calories you burn.
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    So, are you saying your heart rate monitor doesn't tell you the calories your burned? I have a Polar Heart rate monitor and it tell me my heart rate as I exercise. Usually I am between 130 bpm (low exertion like biking at a moderate rate) and 160 (High exertion like climing a 10% grade on that same bike).

    Once I'm done exercising, it shows me waht my highest bpm were, lowest bpms were and average bpm. And it also tells me how long I exercised and how many calories I burned. I use that number in the MFP exercise journal not what pops up when I say i biked for 75 minutes (Usually that number is at least 20% higher).

    BTW, 60 bpm seems really low to me if you are exercising. That is my resting heart rate!!

    Hi there, I too have hy heart rate showing thru my session, my highest, lowest and average too , how long I exercised and how much time I am in my pre determined zones. Then I attach my hrm to my computer bu USB and I get all my data up it defaults to running and gives me cals burned for that and estimates fat burn. If I have cycled and not run I then change the exercise to cycling and it gives me a lower number for cycling but using the same data, so if I run I get 175 if I walk I get 65 if I cycle I get 98 all based on the same duration and heart rate info....
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    @ Michele Grayson my resting hr is between 50-60 so when I start exercising 60 is not unusual, it doesn't stay there long lol!!!!! That is not my average hr, that was 130 ish this morning!!!!

    @knothead I like this idea and it kinda makes sense....cycling is certainly easier on joints etc so .....
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Hi there, I too have hy heart rate showing thru my session, my highest, lowest and average too , how long I exercised and how much time I am in my pre determined zones. Then I attach my hrm to my computer bu USB and I get all my data up it defaults to running and gives me cals burned for that and estimates fat burn. If I have cycled and not run I then change the exercise to cycling and it gives me a lower number for cycling but using the same data, so if I run I get 175 if I walk I get 65 if I cycle I get 98 all based on the same duration and heart rate info....
    I know it sounds confusing.
    What if you took the heartbeat thing out of it.
    30 mins of jogging is going to burn more calories than 30 mins of walking....... so 175 if you run and 65 if you walk.

    Now add in the average heartbeat. The software uses some formula, where the intensity is more on the body (more muscles used as someone mentioned) compared to the intensity of walking(less muscles being used)

    What confuses me..
    If someone had average heart beat of 130/min and they only burned 65 calories in 32 mins, something's wrong.
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    Good morning all

    @ thumper my hrm hates me is the title of this thread!!!! 109 cals burned I booked yesterday for a sweaty walk jog session how stingy is that? I don't know how it calculates the cals but every day it mocks me lol!!!! I love it's functions it is a great toy and in every other regard I think accurate but with the cals I don't get many to eat back!!!!!

    The only consolation has to be that it has got to be better to err on the side of caution than to overestimate the cals burned.... ?