activity level settings

I have my activity level at lightly active right now and set to lose 1 pound a week (i just changed it from 1.5 per week). So my goal is 1240... My stomach is usually growling so i feel like that isn't just boredom hunger, that's real hunger. I exercise for at least 30 minutes every day (elliptical, stretching, sit ups, and pushups) sometimes more... I have a desk job, but i'm constantly getting up to do little things here and there. Since I sit at my desk all day i figured i'm not very active, but i'm wondering since I work out every day if i should change my activity level to active... it ups my calories to 1370 if i do that i think... that seems like a lot. I'm also going to be starting Jillian Michaels 30 day shred next week so i will probably be even more hungry. I just don't want to go overboard with the calories... 1370 seems like so much more than 1200 for some reason!


  • beckymike36
    beckymike36 Posts: 105 Member
    I would stay at your activity level, but when you exercise you earn more calories, so if your working out 30 minutes a day track that in the exercise calculator and it will tally how many extra calories you can use, but I never use all the extras but it does give you some flexability if needed.
  • pkpzp228
    pkpzp228 Posts: 146 Member
    Are you splitting your meals up enough throughout the day? Try eating 5-6 smaller meals, this helps sustain your energy level and keep your hunger down.

    As for the 1200 vs 1370, IMO this is fairly trivial, 170 kcals for me is one more/less protein shake a day. Overall what I've found is that if you're supply food on regular sustained basis your body will indicate whether it's enough. If I'm on schedule and I find myself too hungry prior to a planned meal it usually mean that I didn't get enough kcals the day before.
  • mrandolph112
    If you input your calories burned MFP will up your calorie intake for that day per how much more you need to consume in order to give your body the fuel it needs to function. I have a HRM to figure out calories burned and it has been really helpful.
  • LarryPGH
    LarryPGH Posts: 349 Member
    I would stay at your activity level, but when you exercise you earn more calories, so if your working out 30 minutes a day track that in the exercise calculator and it will tally how many extra calories you can use


    Definitely enter exercise for the elliptical trainer -- 30 minutes for a 130 lb person is 265 calories, which is probably more than enough to help you with an extra (healthy) snack or two during the day!

    If you play around with your activity level, on the other hand, you're telling MFP something that just isn't true about your body's caloric intake needs!
  • tandroes
    tandroes Posts: 163 Member
    I eat breakfast around 730, sometimes have coffee, then i eat lunch at 11... usually the rest of the day i have little snack here and there til dinner at 530.... then i'm hungry again after i exercise and before bed. i do eat my exercise calories, thats why i was thinking i'm not getting enough in general.
  • femouse
    femouse Posts: 10 Member
    Maybe try eating more lower calorie foods so that you can eat larger quantities of them.
  • captainlindarg
    captainlindarg Posts: 229 Member
    What are you eating? I've found lately that if I eat more lean protein in my meals/snacks I'm less hungry throughout the day. For example, sliced deli meats are super low cal for a snack and make you feel like you're actually eating something somewhat substantial!