What should I do when I meet my goal?

JPRobocker Posts: 74 Member
So I don't want to get too excited too soon, but I started MFP at the end of December (more like the begining of January after a New Years party was said and done...) but anywho... Since then I have lost 12 pounds on record. I weigh myself every day but only record my weight once a week. I weighed in this morning at 136. My goal weight is 130, I think that that is a healthy, realisitic weight for my height and body type. I'm excited to be getting closer to it every week.

My real question is though... Once I reach my goal, what should I do to celebrate? I don't really want to go out to dinner for it, that feels wrong "Hey, I lost 20 pounds so I decided to go out and eat like a pig." But I can't take time off work either. Any creative fun ideas would be appreciated. Any success stories and celebrations you'd like to share with me would be appreciated too.

On a side note, if you are looking for friends, feel free to add me. The more the merrier!


  • heyitsmekatie
    heyitsmekatie Posts: 544 Member
    congratulations on your success so far! i think you should go on a trip somewhere!
  • kim824
    kim824 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm planning a spa day when I get there. I don't know where or what all I will do but I plan to pamper myself!
  • WashingtonGrown
    I'm in the same boat, my goal is 140 and I'm at 145 right now, I did it all in 2 months so at this rate I might go for 135. BUT Once I get to my goal weight I am going to get a nice pair of designer jeans. I have 3 pair that I am taking to a consignment shop tomorrow to sell that are 3 sizes bigger than I am now, I plan to use that money to buy a new pair. The outlet mall near me has a Joe's jeans outlet and a True religion. I'm excited to get a pair of Jeans in my pre pregnancy size.

    That's how I plan to celebrate hitting my goal weight. OH and a new bikini! :)
  • eouimet
    eouimet Posts: 29
    im planning on getting my hair done at my favorite salon and getting a spray tan lol just basically treating myself to a beauty day :)
  • heatherhart
    heatherhart Posts: 113 Member
    Buy yourself something that you have been wanting!
  • mexiana
    mexiana Posts: 77 Member
    Pedicure, manicure, treat yourself! New haircut, MASSAGE!!!! Facial!!!
  • Silver180
    Silver180 Posts: 294
    I will be buying myself an expensive suit. Maybe tailored... :)
  • mommie2boys
    Head to toe makeover
  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    I'd say a gorgeous new dress or a hot pair of jeans to show off the smaller butt... Shopping is always a fun way to reward yourself... that's what I'm going to do... :D
  • wolf23
    wolf23 Posts: 4,175 Member
    Buy yourself a pair of fun and funky shoes.
  • fooligan
    fooligan Posts: 14
    Set that goal of losing 0 lbs a week and start enjoying more calories of food. but remember not to stop working out