Zumba or Just Dance?!

heatherhart Posts: 113 Member
I want one of the games just seeing what everyone thought of the 2 of them... I have dance dance revolution & i hate it!! Thanks for the input!


  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    I have zumba and Just dance 2.. not sure how good the 1st is but You get more of a work out with zumba IMO.. both are pretty fun though.
  • caseymcq
    caseymcq Posts: 55
    I have Just Dance and Just Dance 2 and Zumba! I absolutely love both of them, but Zumba has to be my fave! I feel so sexxxxxy when I am doing the dances! :)
  • QueenofCups
    QueenofCups Posts: 365 Member
    I just purchased JD2 after playing at a friend's house and it really kicked *kitten*. Its not hard at all, but I really worked up a sweat. I have the Zumba DVDs, not the game, but I don't care for them.

    I know that doesn't really help, but I wanted to put my 2cents in. :)
  • stephaniekendrick
    stephaniekendrick Posts: 87 Member
    I tried my Zumba for the Wii the other day and I burned over 300 calories in just one of the 20 minute work outs! IMO, you burn way more calories doing Zumba.
  • Toibear
    Toibear Posts: 31
    I just got Zumba for Wii yesterday and I LOVE IT!!! I just finished today's workout and in 40 minutes I burned 580 calories. I found myself excited to come home and do it. I have never tried Just Dance though but I am in love with Zumba. Hope that helps.
  • AccioPancakes
    I've never even heard of Zumba before joining this site. I do have Just Dance 2, though, and love it. With the Wii, you don't have to be as precise with the movements (as it detects only the wiimote and there aren't any other sensors) and it feels good and upbeat. I always feel so good afterwards.
  • heatherhart
    heatherhart Posts: 113 Member
    Zumba it is, thanks everyone & please feel free to add me!
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 786 Member
    We just got a Wii....and mostly for me to have the Zumba for Wii. I tried it for the first time the other day and even though I screwed the moves up something fierce I loved it. I thought I was going to pass out after 20 mins LOL And I know I burned a ton of calories. I've never tried any of the Just Dance ones though.
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    I play Just Dance 2 and I LOVE it... I don't use it as my only workout though but when I do play I try to hit at least 30 or 45 min. It makes you sweat! I want to try the Wii Zumba soooo bad, I am thinking of buying it this weekend actually. I don't have an HRM (soon hopefully) but apparently Zumba can really help you burn a lot of calories.

    I also like Gold's Gym Dance workout!