Problem with eating back my earned calories



  • jsmjboertlein
    OK thanks ladies! I'm not gonna stress over it so much anymore.
  • ChristineMiller2
    I still don't understand ............. you are 130~~~~ stop trying to lose more weight. Its just not making any sense to me. Even at 150 on a 5 8' frame is MAYBE a size 6, not sure how that isn't healthy either.............. this doesn't seem healthy at all.
  • ChristineMiller2
    I still don't understand ............. you are 130~~~~ stop trying to lose more weight. Its just not making any sense to me. Even at 150 on a 5 8' frame is MAYBE a size 6, not sure how that isn't healthy either.............. this doesn't seem healthy at all.
  • ChristineMiller2
    I also think its the responsibility of the person responding to gather as much info as they can before just throwing advice out, that is why I went to her profile first, something wasn't "adding" up and viola it sure wasn't. And now I see she is 130 and 5 '8 not sure what weight is trying to be lost :(
  • ChristineMiller2
    Also lets just say you are 139 at the top end of the "130's" thats a bmi of 21 !!! Where is there to go from that? I have to leave these thread........I'm sorry, I'm just really worried about you.