Survivor: Rob hids the clue, Christa goes to redemption

michelegbowman Posts: 195
edited September 2024 in Chit-Chat
Survivor: Rob hids the clue, Christa goes to redemption:

Ahhhhh....what a great episode last night! So entertaining.

Rob finding the clue, then switching the clue while fooling grant was mean, funny, and unique.

Poor Grant. He never saw it coming. Loyal soldier that he is I cannot help but wonder what he's thiniking right now after having watched that last episode.

Does anyone think Rob is getting a little nervous knowing Matt has won at redemption three times now?

Stephanie is feisty, huh? She's 100 pounds of chutzpah.

My fave part was the change in Phillip. He seems to be playing much better now andhis alliance with Andrea really brought a new dimension into the game. ONe has to wonder if he, the "Lord" will overthrow the "king" as he put it.

I can't wait to watch it again tonight on On Demand.


  • jmzhale
    jmzhale Posts: 186
    A Phillip, Andrea, Matt (if he survives redemption), and Stephanie (if she can rangle a way to not get voted out) alliance would be an interesting twist. Better watch out for Phillip, fed agent or not, he's playin a pretty good game.
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