Is it really a good idea to excerise BEFORE breakfeast?!



  • linemansgirl
    I wouldn't be able to do it. I wouldn't be able to put my all into my workout, so I would be defeating myself. I have low blood sugar and blood pressure at times, which leads to dizziness. It would just be a bad idea all around for me!

    Which is why your performance won't increase doing it that way. Try running a 5K without eating one day, then do the same thing about 1.5-2hours after you have eaten.

    So maybe I will have to give it a try and see what happens!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    From my understanding if you are doing cardio (treadmill or elliptical) you particularly don't have to eat anything before but if you are strength training you should eat a least a piece of fruit. I wasn't eating anything before when I was just doing cardio but now that I've started strength training I eat a banana before I go.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    I'm up at 4 a.m. to workout so there's no way I'm eating prior to exercising. I'm doing Insanity and so far (only on day 4) have not struggled at all through my workouts.
  • PoAer
    PoAer Posts: 17
    I love this because I need to do strength with cardio to tone while I lose weight, and I love bananas :D
  • audjrey
    audjrey Posts: 360 Member
    If I've eaten a large late-night meal, I almost invariably wait 1-2 hours after waking to eat simply because I have no appetite and the sight and smell of food makes me physically ill to my stomach. Mostly I avoid this by eating no later than 3 hours before bed so breakfast is very important to me. However, as a former long distance endurance runner, I often drank a cup of coffee and went for a 3K run, but I would never even consider trying to run anything beyond 3K without food in my system for the simple reason that acids build up in the stomach and you're setting yourself up for gastritis in the long run (which I might add actually happened to me).

    I don't run anymore but I am heavily into weight training, walking, skipping, cycling and High Intensity Interval Training. Yet even then I allow for the same cardinal rule. If I've eaten a large meal or a late meal the night before and have no appetite, I will simply have a cup of green tea and exercise LIGHTLY for 30-45 minutes. Then I'll eat, rest for a minimum of 10-15 minutes and do another 30-60 minutes really hard either right away or later that morning.

    Personally, I have always loved to exercise before 10 o'clock simply because then I know I've got my 'prescribed" exercise in. Any exercises I do after that is a bonus to my diet, health & fitness plan.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I exercise EVERY SINGLE MORNING before breakfast. What is important is to find a time that you can commit to. What is not healthy is NOT doing it at all.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I used to do it all the time,and still would if it was possiable.I never noticed any adverse reactions to it
  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    I usually hit the gym in the morning, getting the workout in before the children wake up is pretty essential to my day. I never eat before, but do protein shake afterwards. I might start eating something like a banana before, since sometimes I do a Heavy weight day. I find a mid afternoon workout is okay, but saving my workout for the night when I am drained is not usually very effective for me.
  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    For the last 5 months I have been working out (doing Insanity) before breakfast at 5:30am. I would get sick if I ate before then. I eat breakfast immediately afterwards.