Bigger Breakfast, Bigger Appetite?



  • tabbychiro
    tabbychiro Posts: 223 Member
    It's because you are eating carbs, and spiking your insulin responce, which leads to a crash and hunger. Try eating protein and fats instead, you will stay full longer and not experience the crash.
    This is what I was thinking, which is why I asked about what your were eating. That instant oatmeal & fruit may be too many carbs for you in the morning, which could be making your blood sugar go high. When my blood sugar is high, I feel hungry. Can you add in some more fats & protein? Nuts, cheese, meat, greek yogurt, etc?
  • army_cobra
    army_cobra Posts: 136 Member
    It is healthy to eat a good HEALTHY breakfast. Try to squeeze 5 more meals in after breakfast, much smaller. Make them healthy such as protien some carbs and a little fat.
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    I can only tell you something that i face myself.. if i don't eat in the morning or if i don't eat for a veryyyy long time my appetite sort of dies and i can even go through the day without eating, which is absolutely NOT GOOD. I eat a heavy filling breakfast ..i feel fine..feeling hungry every 4 hours or so. My take is you mightn't be eating a filling breakfast , add some fibre and proteins too . You should have a good number of your daily alloted cals for breakfast itself.

    Why is that no good? I eat one meal a day, roughly between 4PM and 8PM, no breakfast, no lunch, no snacks. I've found it's the only way I can stick to my calorie allowance. What you're describing is fasting response (because of no glucose, no insulin gets secreted, hence no drop in blood sugars and so no hunger response)

    Ever since I stopped being fixated on breakfast (or lunch) it has been easier for me. YMMV
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    I think that this is funny and should be a common sense thing or at least to me it is, bigger/healthier breakfasts and being hungry a few hours later is simple, metabolism is given a kick in the butt to get going with the breakfast and in turn you feel hungry a few hours later, gee that was easy, no big breakfast = slower metabolic rate and eating less. The brain is sending the signal to you that it has raised the metabolic rate and needs more food, the key though is to make those healthier choices. If you are pressed for time due to early mornings (which I still think is just ppl being lazy and wanting more sleep) make a protein shake, try this 4 minute breakfast on for size;

    1 scoop protein powder of choice, for those on a budget try body fortress at walmart I like the cookies n cream or strawberry
    1/2 cup plain greek yogurt
    1 serving of frozen fruit (I like strawberries 5 to 7 of them)
    1 tbsp organic honey
    1/2 large or small banana
    2 tbsp ground flax seed
    1 cup skim milk or almond milk.

    Blend till smooth and grab an apple on the way out the door, you will feel full after that and then grab a healthy carb/protein for when the hunger hits a few hours later.
  • Eskimopie
    Eskimopie Posts: 235 Member
    I'm the same way, where eating breakfast makes me hungrier, and since so many nutrition facts are being shown to not be nutritious, I've decided to listen to my body and eat when I'm hungry, and not worry so much about what people say I should be doing. For instance, today I just had a green apple. On hungrier days I'll add some almond butter. Yesterday I had a high fiber bran muffin and a hard boiled egg. But sometimes I don't eat til lunch, and that's ok too. I would try to really listen to your body and do what it tells you.

    Of course, if you're in school still, you'll probably focus better with food. Now that I'm at work it doesn't matter so much.
  • arwamya
    arwamya Posts: 304
    I can only tell you something that i face myself.. if i don't eat in the morning or if i don't eat for a veryyyy long time my appetite sort of dies and i can even go through the day without eating, which is absolutely NOT GOOD. I eat a heavy filling breakfast ..i feel fine..feeling hungry every 4 hours or so. My take is you mightn't be eating a filling breakfast , add some fibre and proteins too . You should have a good number of your daily alloted cals for breakfast itself.

    Why is that no good? I eat one meal a day, roughly between 4PM and 8PM, no breakfast, no lunch, no snacks. I've found it's the only way I can stick to my calorie allowance. What you're describing is fasting response (because of no glucose, no insulin gets secreted, hence no drop in blood sugars and so no hunger response)

    Ever since I stopped being fixated on breakfast (or lunch) it has been easier for me. YMMV

    First i said i could only tell you something that i face MYSELF. Second i said I can even go through the day WITHOUT EATING which is not good , i guess everyone needs to atleast eat their alloted caloies if not their BMR cals. To each his own. I have a carb and protein brekfast because i work out shortly after . I need to have 4 to five meals a day because that keeps ME full and energized throughout the day. Like i said to each his own :)
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