So Angry!

Stagezz Posts: 124 Member
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
I am so frustrated trying to lose weight. I opted at my gym to take a group (3 people) personal training class 3 days a is an additional $120/mo!!!

I haven't lost anything!!! I have been there for 3 weeks! And I just gained another 2 pounds!! I am NOT one of those people that only has a few pounds to lose...I need to lose 50-60 pounds!! Come one seriously??????

I am watching everything i am eating...i am drinking water so much all i do is pee....I do the training class MWF and do cardio TTS


Thanks for listening to me rant! :o)


  • chelsey728
    chelsey728 Posts: 138 Member
    Have you taken measurements to see if they have changed at all? Muscle weighs more then fat, so you may have built up your muscles causing the weight gain but your measurements may have done down. If you keep up the work, your body will catch up and you'll start to notice a change soon! Best of luck!
  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member
    Can you open your diary? It is hard to offer advice if we can't see how your diary looks :)
  • udallmom101
    udallmom101 Posts: 564 Member
    You really ought to take a day to rest. I find that when I try to push myself too hard I don't do so well. I have a hard day of exercise, the next day is lower. If I do my running and Kettle Bells on MWF, then on TThSa I go light, like a walk or bike ride. Sundays are my rest days. Don't over think the weight loss process. Just stick with it and you will lose. Chin up. We are all here for you.
  • I also wasnt losing weight but I wasd losing inches. Get a soft measuring tape and measure your waist hips bust thigh and top of your arm. You maybe gain muscle.Once I did that I realized I was losing inches.
    Keep up the good work.
    Add me as a friend and we can support each other.
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    Are you eating those exercise calories back? MFP is set up so you should eat most or all of them back. Also, be sure you are getting enough sleep. At least 7 hours a night. I used to think I was getting enough on 5 or 6, because I was steadily losing 1 to 2 pounds per week. Then I started going to bed earlier so I was getting 8 to 9 hours a night---and lo and behold, the first week I did that, I lost 7 pounds!!!! It's amazing the difference just a couple more hours of sleep will get you. I'm sure you food and water intake are fine, but there is more to it than that. Also, make sure you take one or two days off from exercise every week. Your body needs time to recover. Stay positive hon, it'll happen!! :flowerforyou:
  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    sent you a message, I was in the same boat until I started tracking my nutrition more closely . . . I do about 40% protein, 35 carbs, 25 fat . . . as my goals. That helped a ton this month.
  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    Muscle weighs approximately 30% more than fat per cubic inch. You're probably gaining muscle mass, which in the long run will greatly change your metabolism. Don't be frustrated and angry... just keep doing the exercise and continue watching what you eat.

    You're on the right track.... just be patient.
  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    Are you eating those exercise calories back? MFP is set up so you should eat most or all of them back. Also, be sure you are getting enough sleep. At least 7 hours a night. I used to think I was getting enough on 5 or 6, because I was steadily losing 1 to 2 pounds per week. Then I started going to bed earlier so I was getting 8 to 9 hours a night---and lo and behold, the first week I did that, I lost 7 pounds!!!! :

    Totally agree with this! I work a night sift 7p-7a once or twice a week, just being awake for the 36 hours shows up as a 1-2 lb weight gain. It comes off the next few days with sleep and water, but so discouraging!
  • It shouldn't be all about weight loss. It should be more on how your clothes fit, how you feel, your flexibility and overall strength. If that has improved you are on the right track. Just be sure not to train your muscles for growth. As a female, that can work against you. Also, don't screw yourself up mentally by placing pressure on yourself to lose weight. It can have adverse effects.

    Lastly, if you can minimize your salt, sugar and white bread intake, that will give you an extra edge.
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    There's a chance with the training, especially 3 times a week, that you're gaining muscle, which weighs more than fat...taking measurements may be a better gauge of progress right now until it levels off. :) You're doing a great thing for your body in that, can't wait to see result pics!
  • 3LittleMonkeys
    3LittleMonkeys Posts: 373 Member
    Without seeing what you are eating, it is hard to help you.

    How is your water intake?
    What about your measurements? Did they measure you when you started? Where are the measurements at right now?
    Are you just working out 3 days a week or are you working out on your own as well?
    What about Cardio?
    Have you had a check up with blood tests with your doctor? There are medical issues that can hinder weightloss.
    Are you on any medications? Sometimes they can keep you form losing.
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