OT - Have fun!

msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
This post is inspired by recent events, a certain girl in my life, and an episode of Scrubs.

We all spend so much time focusing on our lives that we often forget to take time and smell the roses. We focus on losing weight, eating right, going to work, picking the kids up at soccer, cooking dinner, paying bills, getting in time for sleep, exercise, etc. We spend so much time just trying to live that we forget to actually live. You know how schedules work - if you don't pen in some time for something, you never quite have the time for it. You know what that means?

Take some time out for yourselves folks. Go for that solo bikeride to clear your mind. Lay down in a field of grass. Next time it storms outside, go puddle jumping. If you see a bunny in your yard, try to chase it (don't worry, theres no way you can catch it, its just a ton of fun). Hell, just stop and smell some roses the next time you drive by a florist. Who cares what people think - its life - its your life. You only get one. And I have seen so many people in my life (I grew up in a massive family) who end up killing themselves with stress and getting caught up in the hustle and bustle that I fear they never truely got to appreciate what they have. It doesn't have to be a massive undertaking, but don't forget to take a minute or two daily to focus on something purely for yourself.

Your blood pressure, your sanity, and most of the people in your life will thank you.



  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    This post is inspired by recent events, a certain girl in my life, and an episode of Scrubs.

    We all spend so much time focusing on our lives that we often forget to take time and smell the roses. We focus on losing weight, eating right, going to work, picking the kids up at soccer, cooking dinner, paying bills, getting in time for sleep, exercise, etc. We spend so much time just trying to live that we forget to actually live. You know how schedules work - if you don't pen in some time for something, you never quite have the time for it. You know what that means?

    Take some time out for yourselves folks. Go for that solo bikeride to clear your mind. Lay down in a field of grass. Next time it storms outside, go puddle jumping. If you see a bunny in your yard, try to chase it (don't worry, theres no way you can catch it, its just a ton of fun). Hell, just stop and smell some roses the next time you drive by a florist. Who cares what people think - its life - its your life. You only get one. And I have seen so many people in my life (I grew up in a massive family) who end up killing themselves with stress and getting caught up in the hustle and bustle that I fear they never truely got to appreciate what they have. It doesn't have to be a massive undertaking, but don't forget to take a minute or two daily to focus on something purely for yourself.

    Your blood pressure, your sanity, and most of the people in your life will thank you.

  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    aww Matthew!!! HUGS honey!

    :flowerforyou: I totally agree!
  • BlazinEmerald
    I so agree, I try to be the mom who doesn't get irritated at the little stuff, I think its ok to play in the rain on a warm summer day , and to teach my kid how to get the biggest splash out of jumping in a puddle. My son freaks if he gets dirty , so Im always drilling in his head that he is washable. It's ok to play and get dirty, and enjoy yourself. My son and I often take walks just so we can look at pretty trees and flowers. :flowerforyou: Have a blessed fun filled day
  • divalovesyou1
    :flowerforyou: You put it well my friend!! :bigsmile:

    That was inspirational food for thought!!:happy:
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    I agree...100% :wink:
  • rosabella
    rosabella Posts: 194 Member
    Matthew, you are amazing. Just so you know.
    Here's a flower. :flowerforyou: I wouldn't try and smell it though...
  • AugustBaby1973
    You're the man!:bigsmile: I took your advice just yesterday!:bigsmile: My mom picked up my kids so I could work out with my Diva group, and then when I got home.....PEACE!:love: I almost didn't know how to act......no kids arguing with each other, no one taking over the remote control, no one asking me to share my food or just snatching up my cup and drinking out of it:sick: , or having my youngest come up and put his sticky hands on me!!! I had an opportunity to take a shower without interruption:heart: , fix myself a healthy dinner:heart: , and then sit in the middle of my oversized couch with oversized pillows and just listen to the silence--I think I even heard a bird chirp! Ahhhhhh....I can't wait to do it again!:blushing:
  • calatibo
    calatibo Posts: 289 Member
    I totally disagree.

    I have hayfever, and smelling the roses would make me feel miserable :laugh:

    Seriously though everyone, as frankie said RELAX
  • LML79
    LML79 Posts: 697
    Awesome post! ( and I love Scrubs lol!!)
  • LadyZen
    LadyZen Posts: 153 Member
    Thanks! I needed that reminder:smile:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Good for you for posting this :flowerforyou:

    More people need to remember this message! The balance always has to be making good long term choices AND living right in the moment with only yourself to answer to.

    Happy Monday everyone!
  • cvanvick
    cvanvick Posts: 17
    This was exactly what I needed to hear today! Awesome post!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Good post Matthew. Thank you for that. :flowerforyou:

  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    Wow Matt, I would so love to meet this girl that has you this way.