


  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    Met with my doctor. She agreed that one of the little known side effects of my BP meds is weight gain, so she is changing my prescription. I can't just switch over, due to possible problems with a sudden switch from this med. I hope it will clear the way for all the work I'm doing to show.

    I do understand that as I am nearing 50 my metabolism will never be quite what it was in my youth. I don't expect that. I don't mind working a little harder. So, for all of you who want to chalk this up to age, or don't think it's the meds, all I can say is that I will always trust my doctor and my own experience. I had a hysterectomy 8 years ago, so I don't thing the sudden weight gain is due to menopause. My doctor had no problem believing the gain was caused by the medicine and changed it.

    For those of you who have offered support and shared your own experience with weight gain due to medicines that you trusted to help you, I thank you. I never had a lot of experience with medication, thank heaven. You can bet from here on I will be much more careful when learning about the possible side effects of anything I might need to take.