World of Warcraft?



  • Revolutionwithin
    Revolutionwithin Posts: 47 Member
    I've played for five years. I go in bursts. I have 6 months where I love it and want to play all the time, and then there are times like now where I log on for ah and log off.

    I'm on a pvp server now.
  • maygans
    maygans Posts: 196 Member
    I play (see weight meter :tongue:).... probably a little too much. Am working on my 7th 85 now! :embarassed: Now if you'll excuse me, I have some Molten Front dailies to tend to. :drinker:

    ETA: I am mostly playing on Silvermoon right now. But also have toons on Silver Hand, Moon Guard, Steamwheedle Cartel, Greymane, Shadow Council, and Quel'dorei (I'm a bit of an altoholic).

    lol this sounds like me! I have 4 85's on 2 different servers (some are both factions on the same's fun!) with a few more 80+ sitting there. I do the stupid Molten Front dailies on 3 characters every day, I was just thinking last night about that. I mean, I do it with my boyfriend who also plays, so it doesn't take long (under 45 minutes for all 3), but still...sooo much time spent on that damn game! I mostly play Sargeras...equally on both factions there. I tank and heal (and I'm quite good at both!)

    But I mean....we all know girls don't play wow.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    That's cool you tank! My guild was funny cuz the main tank had all four tanks at level 85 and she was female and VERY GOOD. I thought she was so bad *kitten* until I found out she was a transvestite. =( Still a very fun person to hang on vent with but I was the only chick in the 10 mans apparently. lol You never know who you raid with. I only healed. DPS was so aggravating having to keybind to be good which I refuse to do so I went to healing and really enjoyed that!
  • leilahh
    leilahh Posts: 50 Member
    I play WoW but I'm slowly getting away from it. I keep canceling my subscription then I come back 3-4 months later thinking that I really want to play. It never lasts. I played some this last month (maybe 4 days), but it wasn't enough to justify the cost. When I do play, it's on Silver Hand (Alliance) and Steamwheedle (Horde).

    @leahnicole1 Awesome! 4.5 yrs here and I met my fiance in game as well. :)

    @Ocarina, I'm sadden that you think someone isn't badass anymore simply because they are a transvestite (they are still badass; if they see their self as a girl, then they're a girl to me). I'm guessing your thought process was that it's very cool that a female could be great at tanking.... I can understand since there are way more guys that play than girls, but I'm not surprised when a girl is great at WoW or tanking. I used to tank in BC on my druid. People always seem surprised that I'm good at tanking or dps (no keybindings here, I'm a clicker and still top dps on my feral druid, rogue, and hunter) since I'm female and it's annoying. I guess they think girls are only good for healing, bah.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Oooo! Me, me!!


    I have an 85 rogue, paladin, and hunter on vek'nilash and am leveling my worgen warrior. I've been playing since vanilla (well, just before BC came out), so it's not hard to level those 3 up to the next cap with each expansion :)

    I agree that it can be a bit "addictive," but only if you don't put limits on yourself. I require my kids to read and get chores done (and homework during the school year) before they can play (WoW with supervision - they aren't that little any more, or any other computer game) so I have to keep myself to the same standard - school, homework, etc need to be done for me too.
  • ritamerlot
    ritamerlot Posts: 44 Member
    i've got toons everywhere...but my main is Athame, an 85 belf warlock on Icecrown.
  • WolffEarl
    WolffEarl Posts: 379 Member
    I can happily report to have successfully left WoW behind. Stopped after 4 years of playing, with the last 2 pretty intense with 4 L80 toons and easily 3 to 4 hours wasted per day. Quit 2 years ago now. Life is good, even without Icecrown:)
  • datzun
    datzun Posts: 198
    I used to play. Lead a raiding guild back in Vanilla WoW. My druid was a Field Marshal back in the old PvP days and was a 2300+ rated arena player through S4 before I quit. Also had an 80 priest and paladin. I loved to heal. ;D I kind of miss it...
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    I quit WoW shortly after I started to work on losing weight. I don't think it was a coincidence.
  • missxchelly
    missxchelly Posts: 180
    I hate this game. My husband plays. He's not as bad as some of the people I've met but it's still a disgusting game to get hooked on. I hate having to pay a monthly fee for him to pay for attention to a game then anything around him. Boo! (=
  • Yeah, girls totally don't play WoW!

    I've got three 85's (priest, mage and paladin) and a few other higher level characters. I go in phases where I want to play or don't. Currently I'm in between phases. I had cancelled and then Blizzard gave me 7 days free game time so I played a bit. Not sure if I want to renew...
  • BethanyMasters
    BethanyMasters Posts: 519 Member
    I used to play really really hard core. My boyfriend's gulid is currently top 100 in the world and I used to raid with them but I got sick of treating the game like a job, especially when there are other more important things I need to be working on right now.

    I still raid fairly casually but we been having trouble keeping our raid team stocked so Firelands progression is going sloooooow.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Anyone on here play wow? i am so totally addicted. I have a lvl67 hunter and a lvl 66 deathknight that does dps and tank. I am in the muradin realm. If you wanna join up for friends just shoot me your character names and i'll add ya to my friends list!! I have 3 other friends who play with me in my house daily. And we are all in the same guild. Oh guess i should add that we are alliance.

    shoot me a message if you play i will check back tomorrow

    I have so many toons I lost count. Highest is my 85 blood elf pally. Right now I am working on my 71 blood elf rogue. I might have to hunt you down, as killing ally scum is the only reason to play. Loktar!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    And my screen name here is the name of one of my toons. :flowerforyou:
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I used to play WoW...before that it was EQ1 (since April 8, 1999 lol). Later we played Runes of Magic (free, and better than WoW in my opinion). I recently tried out Rift...which blows them ALL away except maybe EQ1. I only play a couple evenings a week anymore though. Too many important things in life to do besides game lol.
  • ritamerlot
    ritamerlot Posts: 44 Member
    I have so many toons I lost count. Highest is my 85 blood elf pally. Right now I am working on my 71 blood elf rogue. I might have to hunt you down, as killing ally scum is the only reason to play. Loktar!

    from one belf to another, Lyadeia, LOKTAR!
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