Weights On The 30 Day Shred

Can someone tell me how much the weights they use on the 30 Day Shred weigh and what I could use around my house to replicate it.
I've lost my small 1.5kg weights so I'm using 3kg ones in each hand which is fine for me for most exercises but I really struggled on the side lunge/raise your arms to your eye move so I ended up just using one weight and holding it with two hands instead of two weights in two hands.
Is there anything around the house I could use to replicate the weights,when I next go out I'm going to buy 2 1 litre water bottles as they weigh about a kg each but in the mean time what do you reccommend I use?
I'd stick with these weights i'm using but I don't feel I'm doing the movements correctly and I think it'd be more effictive to use something that weighed less and get a more effective workout overall.


  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    They use 3lb ones. I use 5lbs and found them tough to start with, but after a bit of practice they are about right for me. You cound try cans of food or small water bottles filled with sand. That way you could add what ever weight you liked.
  • JoEllen92
    JoEllen92 Posts: 58 Member
    What i'm using now is just over 6lbs in each hand,for the most part it's fine it was just that one exercise
    my arms refuse to go up that far with that much weight in my hands. So I just used one dumbell and held it with two hands but I don't know how effective that is
    I might just see if I can order some smaller weighs of my own (my dad always moans at me for using his)