I hate my job...should I quit?



  • lesley12345
    lesley12345 Posts: 89 Member
    I know you hate your job and I think a lot of people have been in your situation, but if you and your husband rely on that income for food and gas than sometimes you have to make the responsible choice of "sucking it up" and work there until you find another job. Look at it this way, there are a lot of people out there that don't have jobs and don't have money and with the economy not being the best, it's not easy to get a job, appreicate your ability to work and be proud of yourself for not giving your co-workers the reaction they are trying to get out of you.
    If you look at your budget and think you can cut spending in other areas to afford gas and food then maybe you could quit, but it sounds like you and your husband rely on the job to pay for those things.
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    jobs are not plentiful or easily found... if it was me i would keep working though (as at least it meant i had a job) and redouble my efforts to find another place to work at the same time and not leave present job until i know i do have another source of income once i leave the job i hate.
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    Ive been where you are. Worked for a small family owned and operated shop that I HATED. The one sibling treated me horribly...Not only was I not a family member, I wasnt the correct 'European race', so I was constantly wanting to cry or punch things.

    When I put my two week notice in, I didnt have another job lined up (first time since I was 16...I am currently 25), but my last week at the old job, I had an interview, and was hired because I would start the following week. Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do and pray (or meditate...whatever you do) things will fall into place.

    When I was in your spot, it was affecting my school work, and ruining my relationships (boyfriend, family and friends)...Getting out was the best thing I could do.
  • Liatush
    Liatush Posts: 627 Member
    Not to be rough, but part of being an adult is paying the bills. If quitting your job (without a new one lined up) is going to cause a financial hardship, then you shouldn't do it. If you're not sure if you will get behind on your bills - it sounds like you and your husband need to sit down, look at the finances and decide as a couple if you can get by on just his income for a little while. If so, then it might be an option. If you can't get by on just his income then you're probably best to just wait until you have something else lined up. Sounds like you're actively working toward finding a new job - keep at it and eventually something will work out.

    I agree with this completely. I know it sucks and you need to find an outlet for your frustrations, but if this means being behind on bills, that's more stressful than any stress in a job.
  • 90poundsoflard
    NOT to mention, Its making me stressed so now I don't want to workout.

    One way to deal with stress is to work out. I am unemployed at this time, and there is a lot of stress with looking for a job and worrying about losing my house. I have a much brighter outlook on the days I get some good exercise in.
  • komplexlysimple
    It's easier to find a job, when you have a job.
  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    Keep focus on your vision of what you want to be doing and put your energy towards making that happen rather than giving your energy to feeling angry and stressed. These folks are nobody's on your journey to your destiny, so don't let them get you so riled up. Only you can control how you react to the situation. Hang in there and you will soon make your vision happen!
  • pedalingfast
    Stick it out until you find another job. Never burn your bridges...it's a small world and who knows where or who you will work for next. People talk and you don't want to be the one they talk about and not get the job you want because word got around that you quit and didn't show up for work. Big girl, means big attitude. Pray for calmness, give your stress/worries to HIM. It really helps.... Many blessings...have patience. Good things come to those who wait.
  • cgipson165
    Suck it up.
    Stuck it out.
    Stand up for yourself.

    They only treat you like crap because you let them get away with it. If you hate it that bad... start applying somewhere else and wait for the next opportunity to come.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    This may be unsolicited or unpopular advice but here it is:

    I am in Human Resources - absolutely do not quit without giving notice. If they let you go after you give notice, fine. If they let you work out your notice time do the best you can while there. Ideally find another job first. No matter what you think, future employers have ways of finding out and it will be even more difficult to get employment. I don't know what part of the country you are in but jobs are still hard to find. I know plenty of folks that have been looking over a year. I have way more applicants than I have positions to fill. Otherwise, put yourself and hubby on a really tight budget. Most states (if not all) if you quit a job you cannot qualify for unemployment. Twenty Three is an adult, and you should behave like a professional, not matter what field you are in. I have been burned and stressed out more than once in my worklife. Things will get better. Keep looking.

    Good luck.

    “If you work for a man, in Heaven’s name,
    WORK for him. If he pays you wages which
    supply you bread and butter, work for him;
    speak well of him; stand by him and stand by
    the institution he represents. If put to a pinch,
    an ounce of loyalty is worth a pound of cleverness.
    If you must vilify, condemn and eternally
    disparage – resign your position; and
    when you are outside, damn to your heart’s
    content, but as long as you are part of the
    institution do not condemn it. If you do that,
    you are loosening the tendrils that are hold
    you to the institution, and at the first high
    wind that comes along, you will be uprooted
    and blown away, and probably will never
    know the reason why.” - Elbert Hubbard
  • elfie9863
    elfie9863 Posts: 337
    ON THE OTHER HAND.... I worked at a job for many years that I DETESTED WITH MY WHOLE BEING!! I had two girls to raise and I "sucked it up" for way too long. I really regret that now. Personally, I would rather jump out into the unknown than deal with s**t anymore...I think I am just at the age I am so done with taking crap from people.

    Its a totally personal decision, and only YOU know how bad it is. I truly contemplated doing some bad things to myself to get out from under t he constant stress and borderline craziness I went through.

    Don't trade some low rent , non career oriented job for your sanity.

    I know this.
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    You're question should be "I have crappy co-workers, how do I deal with them". Don't quit, because as much as you think you don't need that reference, you probably do. Be professional - who cares if it's "just" waiting tables. There are a lot of people out there who would be more than happy just waiting tables because they don't have a job right now!

    Part of being a "grown up" is dealing with people you don't like at work. Trust me even if you found your "grown up job" there are always going to be people like that no matter if you're waiting tables or cleaning teeth. It's how you deal with them.

    Confront the girls you are having issues with, ask her (NICELY) what is the problem, that this is the work environment and it's better if everyone gets along. I've done that - just as long as you do it in a nice way, everything will work out for the best. Talk to your manager and ask if there are things that you can do to make yourself a more valuable employee. Go out of your way to go above and beyond your regular duties, give them no reason to give you a bad reference.

    Finally, register with a temp agency, find another job, give your two week notice and be sure you give everyone a HUGE smile on your last day and tell them what a pleasure it is working with them but you are on to bigger and better things.
  • k_wills
    k_wills Posts: 82 Member
    Try and resolve your problems!!!
    Make an appointment and sit down with the manager to discuss how you're feeling, think about what the real problems are...And come up with some suggestions for improvement.

    How do you get on with your co workers? What can you do to improve relations with them? Maybe your unhappiness makes you seem stand-off-ish towards them.

    The problem with leaving a job is that you always take yourself with you!
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    Thanks everyone for replying. I know I should be a "big girl" and not quit. I have never just didn't show up, but that's what this place makes me WANT to do. I have a long job history. 5 years and one place, 2 at another and 2 at this one. I just know (not is a cocky way) I deserve better (and so does everyone else). The way they treat people here is ridiculous. They will call you fat, call you names, start rumors about you. THIS IS THE MANAGERS. So it's not only about "my work ethic" these things are what is making me want to quit. I have an interview next week but you never know, I may not get it. Thanks for reminding and encouraging me to be better and not quit. The only reason I will stay (if I do) is for my sweet husband, I don't want to put stress on him. I still don't know what to do.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    It a lot easier looking for a job, when you have a job. Find employment elsewhere, then quit!
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    Um are you looking now? For a new job I mean? Throw yourself into that. keep it as your burning secret that gets you through the crap days, you WILL be moving on - and then once you find one triumphantly quit. No bills stress.
  • jojosmojitos
    “If you work for a man, in Heaven’s name,
    WORK for him. If he pays you wages which
    supply you bread and butter, work for him;
    speak well of him; stand by him and stand by
    the institution he represents. If put to a pinch,
    an ounce of loyalty is worth a pound of cleverness.
    If you must vilify, condemn and eternally
    disparage – resign your position; and
    when you are outside, damn to your heart’s
    content, but as long as you are part of the
    institution do not condemn it. If you do that,
    you are loosening the tendrils that are hold
    you to the institution, and at the first high
    wind that comes along, you will be uprooted
    and blown away, and probably will never
    know the reason why.” - Elbert Hubbard

    I think that is a great quote! I am not happy with my current job right now either, but it pays the bills and need to remember things like this when I am feeling like giving up. I would offer my advice to you in this situation, but since I am not exactly sure what I should do, the most I can say is: the worst thing you can do is nothing.
  • nalia08
    nalia08 Posts: 252
    If you are currently stressed from having a job you hate, there will double the stress because now you will be unemployed and have financial hardship to add to it. It's not worth it. Just keep praying and stay focused on leaving. It's the Devil trying to steal your joy! I had jobs like that, I knew in my mind that I could do better and wasn't limited to what was in front of me! You are young. When the going get's tough, the tough get going, LOL!

    Wait it out until other money sources are coming in....and then and only then should you pull a no show!
  • AreneeS22
    AreneeS22 Posts: 42 Member
    well, I was actually in the same situation (still am kinda)... I am a server also, and I HATE the company i work for... they do not care about their employees at all. About a year ago I was so fed up (plus the added stress of things outside of work) that one night I simply didnt go in. I didnt think it would be too hard to find another job, but I was wrong... went 2 months without work, and during that time I fell behind on bills, things were more stressful at home, and I ended up very depressed... Luckily, my old job took me back and after the way I felt being out of work those 2 months, having to deal with all the crap at work didnt seem as bad anymore. Am currently looking for another job,... and it is hard and it may take some time (and patience) but you WILL find something better... just have to look at it this way, at least you have a job (no matter how bad it is) when theres so many people out there right now that dont... Just stay positive =)
  • BunnybeeJG
    BunnybeeJG Posts: 344 Member
    ya just go. I feel the same way but i'm basically to the point where i'm with them til the end ... its very hard to find jobs out here... in the state i'm in you can't even get a temp agency to help bc they are to capacity and there just ... aren't any jobs. and now they are closing more stuff down and putting thousands more out of work which is only going to make the jobs that are available no matter how degrading and menial.. even harder to get. so it pretty much sucks. I guess quit if you can live without food and gas...:sick: everything seems really horrible right now... i honestly hope it gets better... cuz at this rate its really scary. stick with it and make it better... get to know your coworkers better and become friends... that's the only thing that gets me going at work...