An outside perspective needed



  • michelletyler38
    michelletyler38 Posts: 469 Member
    "...a battle to see who can hold out the longest." Maybe.
    "should I reach out to her?" I would.

    I agree. I've been in this exact situation only some did happen for our friendship to end. I don't think it really matter though. It's pretty much the same thing. In the end we were both guilty of bringing it to an end. I feel like she was more in the wrong, but I'm sure she feels like I was more in the wrong too. I thought about it for a long time, went back & forth, cried & so on. Then one day I just decided to grow balls, get over it & send her a message on Facebook. She never replied. I waited for about a month-ish anxiously everyday hoping for a reply. Then I realized it was never coming. I apologized & tried to be the bigger person. It didn't workout which hurt, but I'm ok with that now. Now the ball's in her court. Not much else I can do without being stalkerish. I say do it when you're ready! You have nothing to lose.
  • ashleynicoleb
    ashleynicoleb Posts: 376 Member
    Thank you SO much for your input- it means a lot to me. I have decided to text her something along the lines of that I have been thinking about her a lot lately and am wondering how she's been. I feel sick over this now :( Hope I don't get my feelings hurt anymore than they already are but I guess that's living and learning and growing as a person...I agree that, no matter the outcome, I won't have to constantly say "what if?" in my head. Thanks again! :flowerforyou:
  • higgldy_piggldy
    My best friend is also best friends with a girl she went to college with. Her best friend is also a friend of mine....soooo it's all good with us. You can have more than one best friend.
  • ashleynicoleb
    ashleynicoleb Posts: 376 Member
    So I just wanted to fill you guys in on the response I got. To say the least, I'm THRILLED to have taken your advice! This is one of the messages she sent me....

    "I'm so glad that you messaged me. I even asked my friend if I should email you because I have missed you so much. I don't know what happened either. I haven't had a friendship either where I talk to that person everyday and felt so close with. I just felt so distanced from you and I hate that. I wish we were super close like we were in the beginning. I just felt like people were coming between us. I don't wanna bring up the past but you are really important to me. You always will be and I'm sorry on my part for letting is drift apart. I just want us to be close like before. I really miss you ashley..and I miss our friendship. I've never had a friendship like ours, and I don't ever want to give it up."