Losing weight way too fast? A pound a day or more?



  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    Just read an awesome forum post explaining the whole debate on eating the calories we burn from exercise. So now I know that I need to regularly stay within no more than 500 calories over or 1000 calories under my goal including the calories earned from exercise. Check it out here... http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/10589-for-those-confused-or-questioning-eating-your-exercise-calo

    You do realize that he was talking about 500 calories over or 1000 calories under your MAINTENANCE calories (the calories you need to maintain your current weight, not to lose) and not your GOAL calories right??
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I looked at your diary. Not enough calories, not enough protein, way over on sugar most days, very little actual 'food', lots of sweet treats and processed stuff.

    You need to eat more, and you need to get a lot more protein in there. MFP has protein goals set extremely low and you're not hitting it.

    With this rapid a weight loss, you are losing a great deal of muscle, unfortunately.

    Go back and reset your goals for 1lb per week and try to meet that.

    The way you are going now, you're losing muscle and are likely to see your metabolism crash and then get ill.
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