My first 5k....followed by my first 10k!!

FJMilner Posts: 407
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
6 months ago I would have laughed at the thought of me running....let alone ENJOYING running!! But, since the very sad loss of my dad at Christmas I decided things needed to change. Both me and my sister immediately decided it was time to give something back and have put our names down for Race for Life (5k) in June this year and then the Jane Tomlinson York 10k run in July. My first week of running was involved running for 1 min, walking for 1 x 5. I couldn't believe how unfit I was and that 1 min of running was pure hell! But each week I have progressed, determined that I will complete these runs by running all the way and in good time. Im now running for 14 mins with a 1 min walk x 2 or 3 and it feels great (and hopefully a big help towards my weight loss goal). Obviously I still have a way to go but I just wanted to say how good it feels to see yourself progress from week to week and I cannot wait to be at a stage whereby I can run a full 10k with no walk breaks.

Anyone else in a similar place? Any running tips greatfully received......

Fran xx


  • kms1981
    kms1981 Posts: 207 Member
    I lost my mom in August to Kindney Cancer and have just started running. I hope to find races that will benefit Cancer Research when I become a stready runner. I am on week 2 of the couch to 5k program now :) Best of luck to you!
  • moakley
    moakley Posts: 7
    That is fantastic! I too, am going to do my first 5K this weekend and can't wait. I feel it will be a great accomplishment, and am looking forward to it. Keep up the great work!
  • FJMilner
    FJMilner Posts: 407
    Good luck to you guys too, Im hoping to raise money for Cancer Research and also for St Leonards hospice which is where my Dad spent his last days xx
  • Hello, I am doing my first 5K, I lost my dad 3 years ago to heart disease, and other issues and hated myself and life in general for quite a while I am now exercising and running. I hope to change the direction of our family history and live longer than him. And be healthier.

  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    hi, i did the 5k race for life last yr and it was brill, fantastic atmosphere on the day, was totally unfit and didnt have long to train 4 it, but DID it, this yr am doing the 10k in july, and am running walking and cycling to get up fitness level, and im hoping 2 do it in a fairly gd time, gd luck with ur 5 and 10k:smile:
  • tmorford
    tmorford Posts: 38
    Your determination is inspiring. I have signed up for my first 5K and will be working up to the event that takes place in late April. I have been trying to increase time and distance like you. My advice is to get on a plan and try and stick with it. Too many people push too hard... which in turn increases the chance for injury and the set-back that goes with it. With your determination and some discipline you should be looking back at this entry after your 10K with admiration for how far you have come. In other words, set your goals and be proud of every single one you reach. I hope your experience is a positive one and this little hobbie becomes a life-long habit.. Please do share your experience with us.
  • tmorford
    tmorford Posts: 38
    also,,, do as much reading about running as possible. I have learned a lot from Runner's World and other websites. Good shoes and socks are essential. And.. .keep a diary/chart of your progress. It can be a motivation to you to see that data/evidence of your hard work
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