I would very much like some eating advice...



  • jleegirl
    jleegirl Posts: 44
    I like to buy the small containers of yogurt and stick them in the freezer. the next day you have a frozen yogurt. it's frozen so it takes a long time to eat and you can almost pretend you're eating some ice cream. i even like to get the fruit on the bottom, i don't mind eating the plain yogurt and the fruit on the bottom feels like a treat.

    -tip- yoplait is not a good choice for this because of the shape of the container.
  • sheddingthelbs
    Thank you all for your helpful posts. I've got a good list for tomorrow and then I'll see how everything goes. Again, thanks to everyone who responded!
  • JohnnyNull
    JohnnyNull Posts: 294 Member
  • bumcheeks

    I have found that eating a good breakfast will really set up your mindset for the day and help you to not crave too much between breakfast and lunch.

    I usually have:
    1 cup of All Bran flakes (the tubular stuff tastes awful)
    1/2 to 1 cup of skim milk
    1 tablespoon of No Forme yoghurt (yum!)

    You could add strawberries or blueberries if you need a stronger sugar hit?

    The key is to constantly graze - 6 med meals per day as opposed to 3 large meals with 3 small snacks.

    When you shop - stick to the outer edges of the supermarket. Think meats, greek salads, eggs etc.

    A hard boiled egg is a really filling and yummy snack. You could have two if you get hungry too often. I find drinking 500ml of water before and after the 'main' meals makes me eat slower and feel fuller sooner. It also will satisfy the standard drinking amount and flush your system out.

    Hope that helps!

    P.s have you thought of making a minestrone soup? You could start with the veges you like and add thinks like potato and the yummier stuff as you go?
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Well done for recognising that pizza and pop tarts are NOT the way you want to feed your body.
    There is lots of good advice here, and I agree with most of it. You are an adult and do need to take responsibility for looking after your body. But, you don't have to spend every meal eating things you really hate - I think it is better to gradually introduce new stuff, don't give up after one bite, don't stare at it resentfully with the "I hate you" mentality, try and convince yourself that you WILL eat at least one bite, one spoonful, you might just be surprised :)
    There are so many yummy yummy veges out there and lots of great ways to cook them, you just have to find what works for you.

    Some more ideas:
    - grated zuccini disappears into things very easily, and doesn't add much taste or texture. I put it in meatballs, soup, pasta sauce, tuna patties, just about anythinge else that doesn't stand still.
    - do you eat pumpkin? You can use pureed pumpkin in pasta sauce or lasagne, casseroles or other places where you might see tomato. As long as you log it and stay aware of the cals it isn't a bad choice.
    - vege patties are delicious and easy to cook - a little bit of mashed potato or sweet potato, grated zuccini, finely diced red capsicum, finely chopped baby spinach mixed all together with an egg. You can add tuna, corn, peas, spring onion, finely chopped chicken or other meat. Make them into little balls and cook them in a pan with cooking spray or olive oil. A painless way to get in lots of veges :) You can even serve them as a burger or a sandwich if you want something a bit more familiar.
    - if you like canned green beans, you might even find that you like them better fresh! Steam them (I do them in the microwave) and add a little bit of olive oil (optional), a squeeze of lemon juice and some black pepper and a little bit of salt.
    - What about cherry tomatoes? They are a fruit not a vege and are such tasty little bundles, I eat them for snacks.
    - Or snow peas (sugar snap peas) - crunchy and delicious.
    - I put baby spinach in almost everything - try scrambled eggs with some finely chopped baby spinach and a little bit of fetta.
    - Quesadilla with spinach, grated zuccini and low fat grated cheese.
    - Avocado with anything (it's almost the end of avocado season here, hopefully they are coming in where you are).

    Good luck!
  • lemonychick
    lemonychick Posts: 81 Member
    Hi. Great to read your original post as I too am an extrememly fussy eater.
    I don't eat vegetables (except pototoes), fruit, seafood, processed food or any salads......
    The list of things I do eat is very small!
    I make sure that I take plenty of vitamin and mineral supplements and drink plenty of water......
    I also hate cooking, I guess because I have no love of the ingredients.
    Losing weight with these restrictions is a challenge, but one that we are capable of surmounting I'm sure (God, I hope so!)
    Good luck!