Eating on the go

Hello again all. I need some advice. Im a traveling hospice nurse aid. I literally drive from patient to patient. All day every day. Sometimes I travel 45 min to an hour to the next patient. I technically get an hour for lunch but I never take it so that I can get done with my day earlier. Not stopping for lunch means alot of eating on the run. ALOT. For those of you who have viewed my food diary before, you can see that the only fast food place I tend to eat at is Chick-fil-a. I LOVE chick-fil-a!!! I greatly enjoy thier chicken nuggets dipped in ranch dressing. Lately I have tried to switch to healthier things so Ive been ordering thier little side salads. They are acutally pretty good! I usually end up stopping in the mornings to get their delicious yogurt parfaits with strawberries w/ granola and I also will get their fruit cups which have grapes, apples, strawberries, and mandorin oranges (ga-ross). I will save the fruit cup for a snack. Bascially what all this rambling means is that Im spending quite a bit of money everyday trying to eat right while being on the road. I have been contemplating getting a small cooler for my car with some ice packs in it to keep snacks on me all day so that I dont have to stop anywhere. Ive been thinking about keeping things like fresh veggies, fruit ( I love pineapple), maybe some of those 100 calorie packs of cookies or crackers, and somebody told me that they make low calorie pudding and jello? Does anyone know if this is true or if any of it is really any good? Also, does anyone else have any other good ideas about other good things that I could keep on me?? Or any ideas of things that I could eat for lunch like an acutal meal that I could keep in my cooler and doesnt require any cooking or heating up? Please help, I want to stay within my limits and my budget lol but I dont want to starve myself.


  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Cooler was the first idea that popped into my head. Put it in car, fill it with breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, lots of drinks. This will be a huge help to you!
  • aneajo
    aneajo Posts: 287 Member
    The cooler would be the best route. Then you can keep fruit and healthy stuff. I have found Naked smoothies. 130-160 cals per serving. and they are quite filling.
  • autumn13
    autumn13 Posts: 295
    Cooler seems like a great idea...But watch what u put in it...I'm the type to like choices.I think I would over eat this way!
  • ashley085
    ashley085 Posts: 22
    What is a naked smoothie? Im quite interested!
  • moxleymama6
    moxleymama6 Posts: 537 Member
    Read the Eat Clean Diet.She has great ideas on how to pack all your food for the day so you are ne er without healthy optio.s.
  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    you can bring baggie wrapped sandwiches, salads in tupperware type containers. You can bring a small pop top bottle of milk and get some of the cereals to go. Cereal bars are good, but watch as these can be sugar loads. Im sure there are healthier ones available though. Basically anything that you put in your fridge and eat cold could be stored in a cooler.
  • jjl731
    jjl731 Posts: 15 Member
    Fruit, cheese, nuts, snadwich, wraps, salads, soup in a thermos....get a cooler and stock it up! Good luck.