feeling sick after workout



  • ethebomb30
    I have just had this happen to me after a strenuous day of exercise. I have a runny nose, the sweats and flu like symotoms.
    So after much thought on the matter, here is what I think is going on. When u exercise, you essentially cause damage to your tissues, to stimulate new tissue growth. This process is the same inflammatory process that occurs when a person is sick.
    Because the body cannot differentiate between exercise and damaged tissue cause by the flu, or a cold, or some other process,
    It unleashes the same response to repair damaged tissues. In other words, regardless of cause, the same chemical mediators of inflammation and subsequent tissue repair, histamine, cytokines, prostiglandins, complement and so forth, make us feel the same as if we are sick or getting sick. To alleviate symptoms, I believe over the counter cold medicine would have the same positive affectto bring relief of symptoms.

    In other words, we've all exercised way to hard, initiated a massive body wide inflammatory response and now we feel like Crap. What is the lesson learned? Moderation is the key. I, myself, must resist doing this tso my body again, even though it is hard to not give in to advancing ones regime when one is not ready.

    Rest, take some Theraflu, and wait for the inflammation and tissue repair to complete itself. U will feel a lot better. And it is also likely that we feel great after lesser routines, because we have not initiated a massive inflammatory response but a minor one, so we are unaware of the flu like symptoms.

    Good luck.

  • period12
    I first time I went to the gym was when I was 11 I had realllllhy bad nausea... first is dont over do it and also dont eat too too much before going to the gym..I have always got nausea after a gym workout so if you do lie on a bed, floor, couch etc flat with your stomach 2 the celling then you want ro rub your stomach, eat maybe a quarter of a banana SLOWLY.and trrust me it helps
  • pinkiemarie252
    pinkiemarie252 Posts: 222 Member
    It could be a lot of things, so I would suggest trying electrolytes to make sure you're not dehydrated. A Gatorade/Poweraid drink might be good because you could also make sure your blood sugar is high enough, but if you don't like sweet drinks there are plain electrolytes available too.
  • shinton101
    These are great suggestions. I recently have had the same symptoms. However I work out at 5:30am. So I'm not going to eat before I workout. But I'll have to try the electrolyte replacement afterwards. I was so sick today after I had a protein smoothie after my workout I didn't eat for the rest of the day.