Well...I quit-



  • alanacara
    alanacara Posts: 10
    I'm in as well!!! Today is my first day on this AMAZING website and I could use all the support out there. LETS DO IT
  • skittles20
    skittles20 Posts: 20
    Count me in! 20 is pretty much the exact amount I'm looking to lose and I could use some good motivation.:tongue:
  • spaul82478
    spaul82478 Posts: 709 Member
    so we start today tuesday... I weighed in

    250 july 15

    in 13 weeks my goal 230 woohooo..

    also posted on twentysomethings post as well
  • Erica92627
    Erica92627 Posts: 576
    I think you'll have a lot of us joining you. Well not in the private moments for you and your hubby, but the weight loss. :laugh:
    We all dread the day that our love ones go away, but with them in prayers helps ease the pain while they are protecting our country. Ps.. any marines, army and any other branch out there protecting us while we go on with our daily life.. a big THANK YOU!
    Take advantage of the 13 weeks and when he comes home he'll get a double wammy.. no pun intended. lol
    He'll get to be with you of course and see the amazing new you.

    Today I had my last delicious, cheesy, calorie-packed hamburger for lunch....and it was absolutely delicious *gulp*:tongue:

    My hubby left for the Marines today for 13 solid weeks, so it's time to get my butt in gear already!! Im going to focus and get serious about dropping 20 pounds in 13 weeks. My heart is hurting more than it ever has before, and Ive been choking down tears all day at work so far, but Ive decided to turn that saddness into motivation (because I figure thats what he's doing while he's at bootcamp)-

    Hopefully in 3 months when we see each other....he'll be a Marine:heart: & Ill be his bangin' Military wife!! :heart:

    One Question: Whos comin with me?

    Anyone else care to take the 20 lb challenge??....*scared voice*:frown:...please?