AbetterME_007 Posts: 3
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
Hello all,
I am new to fitness pal and I am excited about my journey to lose weight. I am extremely nervous as I have tried plenty of times before to lose weight but I am serious this time. It easier now because I have support from family and friends. I hope everyone is well!


  • kountrygrl27
    kountrygrl27 Posts: 107 Member
    Welcome... this site is great!! add me if you like, more the merrier!!
  • I just started too. In fact today is my first day I have tried other diets as well and did ok but this seems to be better cause it shows you how many calories ect. are in "everything" you eat.Well good luck everyone here is to loosing it for good!
  • lnosgood
    lnosgood Posts: 92
    Welcome! I'm new to the site as of this week as well. It's really easy to use and I really like the way everything you need is right at your fingertips. Everyone seems to be VERY supportive and very friendly. You should do well here. All of us have tried numerous times and ways to lose weight and many of us have failed more times than we can count on our hands, fingers, and toes (or at least i have!) It's always easier when you have people encouraging you on at every step of the way. Which is why i really like MFP. :wink: Feel free to add me to your friends list. The more people you have the bigger your support group! :drinker:
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