Obsessive weigher



  • timetripper42
    I use to weigh daily that was the most frustrating thing to do myself so now I weigh in every five weels and yes it is hard. I am looking forward to a dr visit monday so they will weigh me in and I wont break my commitment to not weigh except when I am suppose to. I feel you pain
  • JD92
    JD92 Posts: 253 Member
    i weigh myself everyday, and think it is completely fine. who is to dictate that you shouldnt? everyone is different. theres nothing wrong with it, in fact, i find it beneficial, because i can then spot patterns in the weight fluctuations. if im up one day from the day before, i can look at what i ate, how much water i drank, my exercise etc. it helps me figure out what works for me! :smile:

    i had a great week last week and lost 3lbs, but a crappy weekend brought me back up 2. i was stuck around 224 all week, and finally broke through and hit 222 this morning! if anything, it put a smile on my face (and quite possibly an embarrassing victory dance!).

    also, if i only weighed weekly, then i could run the risk of going up a few lbs in those 7 days if i am not eating the best, but dont realise it. as i said before, doing it daily means i can spot the gains as soon as they happen, and put a stop to it!